Agroforestry and Reforestation

In response to the global challenge of supplying forest products, nearly 5 million hectares of forest are replanted each year. We support the formulation and implementation of forest and agroforestry plantation projects.

The issues

Forest and agroforestry plantations are sometimes criticised, with some people not even considering them as forests. However, as long as they respect a certain number of safeguards, plantations can produce wood in a renewable way and with much higher productivity than existing forests, while contributing to the maintenance of ecological processes, the reduction of pressure on existing forests and local development (wood and non-wood resources, direct employment). Due to their multiple functions (energy, food, economic, ecological), trees play a strategic role in rural landscapes, in close synergy with agricultural and pastoral activities. In the least developed countries of the South, the barriers to the establishment of new plantation projects can be numerous: technical-economic, land-related, institutional, organisational, etc. In this context, it is necessary to adopt a multidisciplinary approach to formulate and implement sustainable forest and agroforestry plantation projects.


Our services

We support plantation project leaders (NGOs, village associations, private companies, governments, etc.) at every stage, from project formulation to implementation and monitoring/evaluation. Our expertise therefore covers a wide range of issues: analysis of the environment and choice of species (exotic or indigenous, for timber, firewood, non-timber forest products or food production), land studies, socio-economic and environmental impact studies, establishment of nurseries, planting and maintenance work, monitoring of plantations, protection against fire and phytosanitary risks, monitoring of harvesting operations, market studies for the marketing of wood and non-wood forest products, development of business plans to study the profitability of projects and facilitate the search for financing. All this expertise and support is provided on a tailor-made basis and with the constant aim of reconciling the three dimensions of sustainable development: environmental, economic and social.

References in this area