Services: Diagnostics and feasibility studies
Countries: Guinée
Dates of intervention: 2021/09 - 2021/12
Amount executed: 67 000 €
Total amount of the service: 67 000 €
Main backer: Agence française de développement
Main beneficiary: Organisation africaine de la propriété intellectuelle - Client
Support provider: SalvaTerra
Experts: Paul BELCHI, Olivier BOUYER
Certificate of satisfactory executionEtudes et recherches scientifiques pour la reconnaissance de l’ananas de Friguiagbé ou Baronne de Guinée en IGP auprès de l’OAPI - Rapport finalEtudes et recherches scientifiques pour la reconnaissance de l’ananas de Friguiagbé ou Baronne de Guinée en IGP auprès de l’OAPI - Synthèse
As part of the second phase of the Project to Support the Implementation of Geographical Indications in African States (PAMPIG2) funded by AFD, the African Intellectual Property Organization (OAPI) wishes to set up a geographical indication (GI) on the Guinean Baroness pineapple, produced in the Friguiagbé area in the Maritime Guinea Region.
To achieve this, the present study aimed to analyse, and then confirm or invalidate the possible effects of environmental factors on the Guinean Baroness pineapple, in order to confirm or not this product's specificity and contribute to the definition of the GI's area,
Specifically, this study aimed to:
- Study the link between environmental factors (altitude, soil, climate, etc.) and organoleptic qualities of Baroness pineapples ;
- Compare organoleptic qualities of Baroness pineapples with other pineapple varieties produced in Guinea (Smooth Cayenne, Queen)
- Conclude on the existence of specific organoleptic qualities related to the terroir for the Baroness pineapple.
This study was carried out in several stages:
- Preliminary delineation for the GI's potential area, based on a literature review and analysis of cartographic data;
- Analysis of cropping systems through surveys with a large sample of producers;
- Collection and laboratory analysis of large fruit and soil samples;
- Organization of fruit tasting sessions with a panel of local tasters;
- Analysis of statistical correlations between terroir (altitude, soil, climate), pineapples' physical characteristics (appearance, flesh color, brix content, etc.) and organoleptic characteristics;
- Proposition of a potential new geographical area for the GI, to be confirmed by further studies.
Scientific studies to characterize the terroir effect on the Guinean Baroness pineapple and the possible creation of a geographical indication (GI): Preliminary cartographic delimitation of the GI's potential area; Analysis of cropping systems on a large sample of producers; Laboratory analysis of large fruit and soil samples; Organization of fruit tasting sessions; Analysis of statistical correlations between terroir, physical and organoleptic characteristics of pineapples; Proposition of a potential geographical area for the GI.