Services: Technical and economic advice, Diagnostics and feasibility studies
Countries: Madagascar
Dates of intervention: 2019/10 - 2020/12
Amount executed: 104 340 €
Total amount of the service: 104 340 €
Main backer: Government of Madagascar - Client
Other backers:
Main beneficiary: Government of Madagascar
Support provider: SalvaTerra
Experts: Anis CHAKIB
Certificate of satisfactory executionEtat des lieux sur la distillation d'huile essentielle dans la Région DianaCadrage de l'appui sur la distillation d'huile essentielle dans la Région Diana
Madagascar is the 3rd largest exporter of essential oils in Africa and the 25th in the world. These markets are booming, as exports of essential oils have increased from 819 t in 2012 to more than 2,164 t in 2017 (+164% in six years).
Madagascar has real assets to produce essential oils thanks to a rich biodiversity, a high rate of endemism and a favorable climate. The main essential oils exported by the country are those of cloves, niaouli, ravintsara, geranium and ylang-ylang.
Regarding ylang-ylang essential oil, the Diana region is the leading production region in Madagascar. But the sector faces many problems, particularly related to the use of wood as a fuel source for the extraction of essential oils.
This practice accelerates deforestation and the resulting waste has significant impacts on the environment. In addition, the distillation yield remains low.
The services provided were as follows:
- Inventory of technological processes for distillation of essential oils at the local, national and international levels;
- Presentation and analysis of the typology of distillers, the core target of the future project;
- Instrumented monitoring of some sites and analysis of the main processes and equipment used for the distillation of ylang-ylang;
- Design and construction of a pilot prototype for the distillation of energy-efficient essential oils;
- Installation of the prototype in Nosy Be and complete assessment of the prototype's energy performance in real conditions.
Technological improvement of ylang-ylang essential oil distillation: State of the art of distillation processes at the local, national and international levels; Presentation and analysis of the typology of distillers; Instrumented monitoring of some sites and analysis of the processes and equipment used; Design and construction of a pilot prototype for the distillation of energy-efficient essential oils; Installation of the prototype in Nosy Be and complete assessment of energy performance in real conditions.