Training course in agroecology and climate-smart agriculture France


National Institute of Agricultural Sciences of Bordeaux

Services: Training and capacity building

Countries: France

Dates of intervention: 2017/09 - en cours

Amount executed: 2 800 €
Total amount of the service: 2 800 €

Main backer: National Institute of Agricultural Sciences of Bordeaux - Client

Main beneficiary: National Institute of Agricultural Sciences of Bordeaux

Support provider: SalvaTerra

Experts: Anis CHAKIB, Olivier BOUYER, Johan PASQUET

Certificate of satisfactory executionAnalyse des mesures agricoles (au sens large) des Plans d'actions nationaux en termes d'adaptation (PANA) de 18 pays sub-sahariens - Leçons à tirerProduire du cacao et de l'huile de palme "zéro déforestation" en Côte d'IvoireL'agriculture intelligente face au climat ?Superkuu : promotion de la culture de l'igname "climate friendly"

Context of the service

Since 2017, Bordeaux Sciences Agro has been offering agronomy engineering students a training module on agroecology and climate-smart agriculture (AIC). This module covers the following aspects
- Scientific: principles of agroecology and AIC, main differences with conventional farming systems, material flows (water, organic matter, mineral elements, etc.) and greenhouse gases (CO2, CH4, N2O), climate change issues (mitigation and adaptation measures), etc.
- Technical: main agro-ecological and AIC practices in terms of water management, soil and organic matter management, varietal selection, etc.
- Institutional and political: implications for public policy, agronomic research, support for agricultural professionals, etc.
Experts from various backgrounds, both French and foreign, are invited to participate in this module.

Services provided

Since 2017, SalvaTerra has been involved for half a day every year in the “Agroecology and climate-smart agriculture (AIC)” module, providing the following courses:
- Introduction to Agroecology and AIC: (i) Aligning adaptation, mitigation and production with AIC; (ii) Adaptation and AIC practices in sub-Saharan Africa; (iii) Priorities for climate change (CC) adaptation.
- Case study #1 - Producing zero deforestation cocoa and intensifying sustainably cocoa farming in Côte d'Ivoire: why and how? (i) Cocoa: biology and production evolution; (ii) challenges of cocoa production in Côte d'Ivoire; (iii) zero deforestation commitments & cocoa traceability; (iv) options for sustainable cocoa intensification.
- Case study 2 - "Super-Kuu": Promoting a sustainable, profitable and climate-smart yam crop in Upper Guinea: (i) diagnosis; (ii) seedling recommendations; (iii) fertility and weed control recommendations; (iv) storage and processing recommendations.

Summary of the service

Annual lectures in the “Agroecology and climate-smart agriculture” module for agricultural engineering students at Bordeaux Sciences Agro: agronomic and socio-economic fundamentals of agroecology and AIC in sub-Saharan Africa; presentation of concrete case studies (promotion of Zero-deforestation cocoa in Côte d'Ivoire, promotion of sustainable yam farming in Guinea Conakry).