Technical assistance for the Climate Strategy of the National Bank for Agricultural Development (BNDA) of Mali Mali


National Agricultural Development Bank of Mali

Services: Technical assistance

Countries: Mali

Dates of intervention: 2021/06 - 2022/12

Amount executed: 101 114 €
Total amount of the service: 324 140 €

Main backer: National Agricultural Development Bank of Mali - Client

Main beneficiary: National Agricultural Development Bank of Mali


Support provider: SalvaTerra

Experts: Anis CHAKIB

Rapport de démarrage de l'assistance technique à la Stratégie climat de la BNDAStratégie climat 2021-2026 de la BNDA1er rapport semestriel de l'assistance technique à la Stratégie climat de la BNDA2nd rapport semestriel de l'assistance technique à la Stratégie climat de la BNDA

Context of the service

The National Agricultural Development Bank (BNDA) has decided to launch financial products to tackle the climate emergency and the needs of the most vulnerable economic agents.

It has adopted a Climate Strategy, with the aim of providing funding for (i) the deployment of climate-smart agricultural practices, in order to reduce farmers' vulnerability to climate change, and (ii) the development of renewable energies, in particular solar energies.

AFD is supporting the BNDA in the implementation of this Strategy. In this context, the technical assistance of the Joint Venture Horus Development Finance - SalvaTerra is mobilized to support the BNDA both on technical (climate-smart agriculture, renewable energies, etc.) and on financial aspects (financial products, banking procedures, etc.)

Services provided

The Joint Venture Horus Development Finance - SalvaTerra provided 18 months of technical assistance to the BNDA:

- Analysis of the situation in Mali (agricultural vulnerability to climate change, development level of renewable energies, supply and demand for financial products in these sectors, etc.) and participatory development of the Climate Strategy;

- Development of products and tools for this Strategy implementation (analysis grid for climate-smart agricultural practices, financial products to fund these practices, etc.);

- Definition of the bonuses system for BNDA's customers, aimed at supporting them in the acquisition of solar energy equipment;

- Setting up a pipeline of "climate" projects and a monitoring and evaluation system to measure the projects' impacts;

- Capacity building within the BNDA for the implementation of the Strategy.

Summary of the service

18-month on-demand technical assistance to the National Bank for Agricultural Development (BNDA) of Mali for the development and implementation of a Climate Strategy in the agriculture and renewable energy sectors: Analysis of the situation in Mali (climate vulnerability, renewable energies, supply and demand for financial products in these sectors, etc.); Participatory development of the Climate Strategy; Development of implementation products and tools; Setting up a pipeline of "climate" projects; Capacity building.