Services: Strategic analysis and foresight, Technical assistance, Training and capacity building, Monitoring, evaluation and capitalisation
Countries: Guinea
Dates of intervention: 2021/01 - 2025/07
Amount executed: 604 463 €
Total amount of the service: 604 463 €
Main backer: Ministry of Agriculture of Guinea
Main beneficiary: Ministry of Agriculture of Guinea - Client
Support provider: SalvaTerra
Experts: Vincent BASSERIE, Olivier BOUYER
Assistance technique à la réforme foncière agricole - Rapport 2021Assistance technique à la réforme foncière agricole - Rapport 2022
In the aftermath of independence (1958), the Guinean state put in place a legal framework that established a near-monopoly on land tenure by the State. Subsequently, the Land and State Code of 30 March 1992, still in force, liberalized access to land... However, it does not provide a specific response to rural land tenure issues.
Article 92 of this Code is the only one that adresses rural land tenure, but only through the prism of rules for land planning for environmental or productive purposes. Nearly 30 years after its promulgation, the observation that the Land Tenure Code is not adapted to the realities of land tenure, both in urban and rural areas, is widely shared.
The Ministry in charge of Agriculture adopted a "Roadmap on Agricultural and Rural Land Tenure in Guinea" in July 2016. The aim is to completely rethink the agricultural sector's land tenure policy. This technical assistance aims to support its implementation.
The technical assistance includes a permanent technical assistant mobilized over 30 months, 5 short-term experts mobilized as needed (2 person/months) on specific subjects (decentralization, natural resources management, socio-anthropology, mining, land tenure legislation) and quality control of the technical assistance provided remotely.
The expected results of the technical assistance are as follows:
- The roadmap is updated, its steering bodies are operational and a work programme is in place;
- Innovative initiatives in local land tenure governance are analysed;
- An egricultural and rural land tenure Policy is adopted;
- A Law on agricultural and rural land tenure is prepared.
Technical assistance to support the implementation of the "Roadmap on Agricultural and Rural Land in Guinea": Update of the roadmap; Analysis of innovative initiatives in local land tenure governance; Preparation of an agricultural and rural land tenure Policy; Preparation of a Law on agricultural and rural land tenure.