RETEX on the eMOBOIS Programme “Exchange Platform for the Supply of Wood” France


France forest wood – National interprofession

Services: Monitoring, evaluation and capitalisation

Countries: France

Dates of intervention: 2019/02 - 2019/04

Amount executed: 19 980 €
Total amount of the service: 19 980 €

Main backer: France forest wood – National interprofession - Client

Main beneficiary: France forest wood – National interprofession

Support provider: SalvaTerra

Experts: Olivier BOUYER, Anis CHAKIB, David COMBAZ

Certificate of satisfactory executionProgramme eMOBOIS "Plateforme d'échanges au service de l'approvisionnement des bois" - Evaluation et retour d'expérience sur la période 2011-2019

Context of the service

The eMOBOIS programme, driven by France Bois Forêt (FBF), is a computerised solution for the secure and confidential exchange of standardised digital documents between companies in the timber industry in France. eMOBOIS is a common computer language that aims to streamline relations and information exchanges between wood supply companies, while optimizing transparency and traceability in the wood supply chain. From the user's point of view, eMOBOIS intends to optimize the information transfer processes and thus reduce the costs and transaction times between operators, eliminating the manual document entry step, reducing the risk of human error in data processing and allowing the instant exchange of information. Following its launch in 2011, the programme has not met with the expected success. The Steering Committee of the programme called on SalvaTerra to carry out the evaluation of the programme and identify the reasons for this slow start.

Services provided

The services were as follows:

- Analysis of the documentation and data of the eMOBOIS program; - Semi-structured interviews with operators and organizations representing the actors of the French forestry and wood sector; - Development, online publication and analysis of a survey relating to traceability, flow management and digital exchanges in the French forest-wood sector;

- Drafting of a feedback report (RETEX) integrating analyses on the implementation, results and effects of the programme; - Recommendations to put in place favourable conditions for the success of the programme in the future and its good articulation with the "digital chain" programme.

Summary of the service

Feedback (RETEX) on the "Exchange Platform for Wood Supply" (eMOBOIS) Program: Documentary Review; Semi-structured interviews with operators in the forestry-wood sector; Online survey; Analysis of the implementation, results and effects of the programme; Recommendations for creating favourable conditions for the success of the programme in the future and its good articulation with the "digital channel" programme.