Services: Monitoring, evaluation and capitalisation
Countries: France
Dates of intervention: 2019/05 - 2019/06
Amount executed: 19 980 €
Total amount of the service: 19 980 €
Main backer: France forest wood – National interprofession - Client
Main beneficiary: France forest wood – National interprofession
Support provider: SalvaTerra
Experts: Blanche RENAUDIN, Olivier BOUYER
Certificate of satisfactory executionRetour d'expérience sur le programme de Formations à la gestion forestière (FOGEFOR)
FOGEFOR is a training programme for private forest owners, enabling them to acquire the basics necessary for the proper management and maintenance of their forest heritage. The programme is funded by France Bois Forêt (FBF, the national interprofessional association for the forest-wood sector) and implemented jointly by the National Centre for Forest Property (CNPF) and the Federation of Private Foresters' Unions of France (Fransylva).
These trainings are particularly relevant since 75% of French forests belong to private owners, most often without skills in the sector. By strengthening the capacities of private owners to properly manage their forests, FOGEFOR promotes sustainable forest management and seeks to contribute to the dynamism of the forest-wood sector at the national level.
The services were as follows:
- To analyse the implementation, results and effects of the programme, and in particular its coherence, effectiveness, efficiency and impact;
- Analyze the articulation of the FOGEFOR program with other FBF programs;
- Evaluate the role of the FOGEFOR program on the visibility of FBF, in particular among private forest owners;
- Draw key lessons and make realistic recommendations to sustain the programme, including by mobilising more funding and increasing the number of trainings.
Feedback (RETEX) on the forest management training program (FOGEFOR) for private foresters: Analysis of the coherence, effectiveness, efficiency and impacts of the implementation of the program; Analysis of its articulation with other FBF programmes; Evaluation of its contribution to the visibility of FBF's actions; Identification of lessons learned; Formulation of recommendations (in particular to mobilize more funding and increase training).