NDC Implementation: Carbon and Green Jobs in Tunisian Oases Tunisia


World Bank

Services: Strategic analysis and foresight, Technical and economic advice, Technical assistance

Countries: Tunisia

Dates of intervention: 2022/11 - 2023/09

Amount executed: 149 426 €
Total amount of the service: 149 426 €

Main backer: World Bank - Client

Main beneficiary: World Bank


Support provider: SalvaTerra

Experts: David COMBAZ

Certificate of satisfactory executionPolicy brief

Context of the service

In 2021, Tunisia updated its Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) under the Paris Agreement. It has committed to a 45% reduction in carbon intensity by 2030, with a particular focus on the energy and agriculture sectors. Southern Tunisian, characterized by its oasis landscapes, is central to this approach. Tunisia has 267 oases covering 57,184 ha in four governorates, hosting 9% of its population and producing 345,000 tons of dates in 2020-2021. Despite their ecological, economic and social role, these ecosystems are now threatened with collapse, mainly due to climate change and the overexploitation of water resources. In line with the sustainable management strategy for oases initiated in 2015, the World Bank commissioned SalvaTerra and TPAD to carry out a study to determine how these ecosystems can contribute to reducing GHG emissions while creating green jobs.

Services provided

The services were as follows:

- Analyze the feasibility, opportunities and challenges of the NDC and explore ways to strengthen its implementation in the oasis landscapes of southern Tunisia; - Map, evaluate and quantify the existing CO2 reservoir in oases and the potential green jobs that would result from a project promoting the sustainable management of oasis landscapes in Tunisia; - Assess and quantify the impacts of oasis landscape restoration on other adjacent land uses and nature-based infrastructure; - Identify project activities that can be adjusted to create more jobs for the population; - Write a concise policy brief to engage with decision-makers. The process involved close collaboration with local stakeholders, including four regional and two national workshops to consult with stakeholders and share the findings of the study.

Summary of the service

In-depth study of the impact and potential of the implementation of the NDC in Tunisian oases: Assessment of existing CO2 reservoirs and potential green jobs that can be developed as part of a sustainable oasis management policy in the provinces of Tozeur, Gabès, Gafsa and Kébili; Formulation of recommendations for the definition of a sustainable oasis management project. Study carried out in close collaboration with local decision-makers and stakeholders, in particular through the organization of 4 regional and 2 national workshops.