Feasibility study of the CAFI Sustainable Land Use Programme (PUDT) Congo


Agence française de développementGouvernement du Congo

Services: Diagnostics and feasibility studies

Countries: Congo

Dates of intervention: 2020/12 - 2021/10

Amount executed: 128 000 €
Total amount of the service: 449 792 €

Main backer: Agence française de développement - Client

Main beneficiary: Gouvernement du Congo

Co-contractors: Office national des forêts international, Kinomé

Support provider: SalvaTerra

Experts: Anis CHAKIB

Certificate of satisfactory execution

Context of the service

In September 2019, the Republic of Congo signed a letter of intent with the Central African Forest Initiative (CAFI), including eight improvement objectives: 1/ Land use planning, 2/ Land tenure security, 3/ Environmental control, 4/ Zero-deforestation agriculture, 5/ Forest governance, 6/ Governance of the mining/hydrocarbons sectors, 7/ Sustainable wood-energy, 8/ Multisectoral coordination.

In January 2020, the CAFI launched a call for expressions of interest to select implementing agencies for its activities in Congo. AFD has been selected to support the development and implementation of the Sustainable Land Use Program (PUDT), which is expected to contribute to most of the above-mentioned objectives. AFD in turn launched a request for proposals to conduct the feasibility study of the PUDT, which was won by a Joint Venture including SalvaTerra.

Services provided

The services provided were as follows:

- Complete feasibility study of the PUDT (analysis, logical framework, activities, indicators, budget, institutional set-up, etc.), which aims to implement an inclusive and concerted process of land use planning, through the development of a National Land Allocation Plan, a National Land Use Plan and two departmental Land Use Plan (pilots);

- Comprehensive feasibility study of the PUDT Investment Plan, the general objective of which is to carry out pilot investments in the agriculture and forestry sectors, in order to contribute to the diversification of the national economy and the sustainable development of rural territories;

- Environmental and Social Risk Assessment, Environmental and Social Engagement Plan and Complaints Mechanism of the PUDT and its Investment Plan.

Summary of the service

Feasibility study of the CAFI Sustainable Land Use Programme (PUDT): Analysis and definition of the Programme (logical framework, activities, indicators, budget, institutional set-up, etc.) with a focus on a National Plan, a National Scheme and two departmental pilot land use Plans; Definition of the PUDT Investment Plan in the agriculture and forestry sectors; Environmental and Social Risk Assessment and Environmental and Social Engagement Plan.