Final evaluation of the AFD-AVSF Multi-Year Partnership Agreement 2019-2022 Madagascar, Senegal, Ecuador


French Development AgencyAgronomists and veterinarians without borders

Services: Monitoring, evaluation and capitalisation

Countries: Madagascar, Senegal, Ecuador

Dates of intervention: 2022/06 - 2022/10

Amount executed: 51 834 €
Total amount of the service: 79 954 €

Main backer: French Development Agency - Client

Main beneficiary: Agronomists and veterinarians without borders


Support provider: SalvaTerra

Experts: Anis CHAKIB, Johan PASQUET

Certificate of satisfactory execution

Context of the service

Since 1997, AVSF's action has been mainly co-financed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MAE) and then by the French Development Agency (AFD). En 2018, AVSF a été sélectionné par l’AFD pour expérimenter un nouvel instrument financier : la Convention de partenariat pluriannuel (CPP).

The 2019-2022 AFD-AVSF CPP is divided into 3 specific objectives:
1. Social purpose: To strengthen civil societies in the South for the agroecological transition and the sustainable food and nutrition of rural territories and cities in LDCs...
2. Structure: Strengthening AVSF in a context of changing development aid, growing inequalities and increased risks (AVSF 2020 and AVSF 2025 Visions)...
3. Influence: To nurture French positions in AVSF's areas of expertise on support for family farming, the agroecological transition for sustainable food, adaptation to climate change and crisis management... The SalvaTerra-IRAM Group was recruited in June 2022 to carry out the final evaluation of this CPP.

Services provided

La mission d’évaluation de la CPP s’est déroulée en trois grandes phases : i) Cadrage et analyse documentaire ; ii) Entretiens en France (AVSF, partenaires, membres de réseaux, AFD, Ministères, etc.) et missions à Madagascar, en Équateur et au Sénégal ; et iii) Analyses, rédaction et restitution des travaux.

The analysis of extensive documentation, numerous interviews and three field missions made it possible to assess the CPC's performance in detail.

La méthodologie utilisée s'est basée sur les six critères CAD de l'OCDE, à savoir : pertinence, cohérence, efficacité, efficience, impact et durabilité.

Le rapport d'évaluation finalisé en octobre 2022 propose une série de recommandations et de pistes d'améliorations pour la prochaine CPP 2023-2027 en cours d'instruction.

Summary of the service

Final evaluation of the 2019-2022 Multi-Year Partnership Agreement (MPA) between AFD and the NGO AVSF: "Strengthening farmers' organizations and civil society organizations in the South for the agroecological transition of territories, for sustainable and equitable sectors in agriculture and livestock and for appropriate public policies." Analysis of the implementation of the CPP with a focus on innovation, institutional strengthening of partners, networks, effects and impacts of actions and policy impact. Case studies in Ecuador, Madagascar and Senegal.