Services: Diagnostics and feasibility studies
Countries: Comoros
Dates of intervention: 2019/06 - 2019/12
Amount executed: 29 977 €
Total amount of the service: 296 619 €
Main backer: French Development Agency - Client
Main beneficiary: Government of the Comoros
Co-contractors: Egis, Meteodyn, Research Institute for Sustainable Development
Support provider: SalvaTerra
Experts: Anis CHAKIB
Certificate of satisfactory executionDiagnostic des acteurs du projet GEREM (gestion adaptée des ressources naturelles de Mohéli face au changement climatique)Etude de vulnérabilité de la filière ylang-ylang au changement climatique
AFD's Adapt'Action facility supports the countries most vulnerable to climate change (CC) in the definition, adoption and implementation of low-emission and CC-resilient development strategies. Several risks threaten the biodiversity, ecosystems and natural resources of Mohéli: the exploitation of fishery resources, poaching, the destruction of coral reefs, illegal sand harvesting and deforestation (mainly due to the increase in the cultivation and processing of ylang-ylang). In this context, the feasibility study aims to identify actions (i) to support agricultural sectors with high export potential, including ylang-ylang, while limiting their environmental impacts and (ii) to reduce the vulnerability of ecosystems and natural resources to the effects of CC.
The feasibility study of the project for the sustainable management of natural resources in Mohéli closely involved state actors, civil society and the Mohéli National Park. Specifically, the following services were provided: 1. Diagnosis of the ylang-ylang sector and the vulnerability of the natural resources of the island of Mohéli, in particular to CC and anthropogenic pressures (such as the cultivation of ylang-ylang); 2. Institutional diagnosis of the key actors of Mohéli, in order to identify those likely to carry out the project or to be its operator, as well as the final or indirect beneficiaries of the project; 3. Evaluation of the ongoing project to support the Mohéli National Park; 4. Identification of adaptation measures to CC in order to allow a concerted and reasoned management of natural resources; 5. Finalization of the feasibility study by proposing a detailed institutional, operational and financial package for the project.
Feasibility study of the project for the sustainable management of natural resources in Mohéli (GeReM): Diagnosis of the ylang-ylang sector and the vulnerability of natural resources (to CC, to the development of ylang-ylang cultivation, etc.); Institutional diagnosis of key actors in Mohéli; Evaluation of the ongoing Mohéli National Park Support Project; Identification of CC accommodations; Finalization of the feasibility study (detailed institutional, operational and financial set-up).