Services: Technical assistance, Diagnostics and feasibility studies
Countries: Madagascar
Dates of intervention: 2019/09 - 2020/07
Amount executed: 121 220 €
Total amount of the service: 121 220 €
Main backer: Government of Madagascar - Client
Main beneficiary: Government of Madagascar
Support provider: SalvaTerra
Experts: Anis CHAKIB, Johan PASQUET, David COMBAZ
Certificate of satisfactory executionVersion finale du Plan d'aménagement et de gestion durale du paysage d'Iazafo - Etat des lieux et diagnostic participatifVersion finale du Plan d'aménagement et de gestion durale du paysage d'Iazafo - Plan d'action intersectorielVersion finale du Plan d'aménagement et de gestion durale du paysage d'Iazafo - Atlas cartographique
The Sustainable Agriculture through a Landscape Approach Project (PADAP) supports the concerted management of demarcated territories on the basis of watersheds of regional importance. In particular, it aims to (i) increase access to irrigation services and sustainable agricultural techniques and practices, and (ii) strengthen the integrated management of natural resources by local stakeholders, through the adoption of a Sustainable Landscape Development and Management Plan (PAGDP). This implies the establishment of a complex consultation framework involving a wide variety of institutional actors, including the Regional Directorates of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries (DRAEP), Environment and Sustainable Development (DREDD) and Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (DREAH). In addition, since the boundaries of the river basins do not generally correspond to the administrative boundaries, the orientation of the actions to be implemented in the territory must be done in a concerted manner with the local authorities sharing the same watersheds.
SalvaTerra and its local subcontractor SD Mad mobilized 10 experts to support local actors in the development of the PAGDP of Iazafo, in the Analanjirofo region. The following services were provided:
- Participatory diagnosis: current state of play and prospective analysis (20 years), based on participatory diagnoses at the level of municipalities and validated by all stakeholders. The diagnosis includes an atlas of all the maps produced; - Operational action plan (short/medium/long term) including the creation of hydro-agricultural facilities, the protection of watersheds, the promotion of agroecological practices and the enhancement of cash crops; - Strategic environmental and social assessment of the diagnosis and action plan; - Recommendations for the implementation of the PAGDP, particularly in terms of governance and monitoring and evaluation.
Development of the Sustainable Development and Management Plan for the Landscape of Iazafo, Analanjirofo Region: Participatory diagnosis (current inventory, 20-year prospective analysis, atlas of the cartographies produced); Operational action plan (creation of hydro-agricultural facilities, protection of watersheds, promotion of agroecological practices, enhancement of cash crops); Strategic Environmental and Social Assessment; Recommendations for implementation (governance and monitoring and evaluation).