
Two recruitments underway to join SalvaTerra in 2022

1 January 2022

Two recruitments underway to join SalvaTerra in 2022

SalvaTerra is once again recruiting two project managers to support its development in France and internationally.

The positions combine the realization and coordination of technical expertise in the field and remotely (feasibility studies, project evaluation, capacity building, etc.), the search for new missions, and the contribution to the communication of the company.

Candidates must justify a Bac + 5 training in agronomy, forestry, rural economy or environment, with at least 5 years of experience in the field of rural development and / or sustainable management of natural resources. International field experience is required.

Both positions are teleworking (only condition: be based in France). The first is to be filled in February or March, and the second in May or June 2022.

More information and application form:

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