
SalvaTerra provides feedback on Forest Management Training (FOGEFOR) for France bois forêt (FBF).

19 September 2019

SalvaTerra provides feedback on Forest Management Training (FOGEFOR) for France bois forêt (FBF).

FOGEFOR is a training program for private forest owners to acquire the basics necessary for the proper management and maintenance of their forest heritage. The programme is funded by FBF and jointly implemented by the Centre national de la propriété forestière (CNPF) and the Fédération des syndicats de forestiers privés de France (Fransylva).

These trainings are particularly relevant since 75% of French forests belong to private owners, most often without skills in the sector. By strengthening the capacities of private landowners to properly manage their forests, FOGEFOR contributes to the sustainable management of forests and the dynamism of the forest-wood sector at the national level.


The feedback conducted by SalvaTerra made it possible to analyze the performance, content and quality of this program as well as the visibility of FBF among participants. SalvaTerra made a series of recommendations for improving the program.



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