
SalvaTerra contributes to strengthening Caritas Madagascar’s capacities in the face of climate shocks and food emergencies

14 April 2020

SalvaTerra contributes to strengthening Caritas Madagascar’s capacities in the face of climate shocks and food emergencies

The training, which took place from 28 November to 6 December 2019, is part of a support from Secours Catholique Caritas France (SCCF) to strengthen Caritas Madagascar's capacities in response to food emergencies.

This training allowed participants to better understand the challenges of food security in emergency and post-emergency situations, to know the main tools and methods of project management, and to identify the most appropriate types of interventions according to needs and context, including cash transfer programs.

Evaluation of the training by participants indicates a high level of satisfaction and meeting initial expectations. SalvaTerra made several recommendations for the further capacity building process, including the application of the tools presented during the training, including indicators for measuring food insecurity, decision trees, and field surveys as part of rapid diagnostics or post-distribution monitoring. A reflection was also initiated with Caritas Madagascar and the SCCF on the best way to replicate the training, in particular for the collection and analysis of data on food security in emergency contexts.

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