12 February 2020
The EQUITE II programme is a continuation of phase I to consolidate achievements, diversify support and scale up the most impactful activities and results. It will be implemented in Benin, Burkina Faso, Côte d’Ivoire, Ghana, Mali and Togo over a period of 4 years, with a budget of €11.5 million financed by AFD and FFEM.
EQUITE II will consolidate the Fair Trade sector in West Africa and contribute to boosting the ecological transition of production and processing methods within the main certified sectors (cacao, karité, anacarde, fruits, artisanat, sésame, etc.). For more information:
We are proud and happy to have contributed to the formulation of this beautiful project. We wish CEF and AVSF every success in implementing the activities and achieving the objectives set.
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