Services: Training and capacity building
Countries: Madagascar
Dates of intervention: 2019/11 - 2019/12
Amount executed: 11 700 €
Total amount of the service: 11 700 €
Main backer: Secours Catholique – Caritas France - Client
Main beneficiary: Caritas Madagascar
Support provider: SalvaTerra
Experts: Johan PASQUET
Certificate of satisfactory executionCR de la formation sécurité alimentaire en situation d'urgence
As part of Secours Catholique Caritas France's support to strengthen Caritas Madagascar's capacity to respond to food emergencies, the expert had to prepare and facilitate an 8-day training session for 9 agents on the theme of food security in emergency and post-emergency situations. This training aimed to ensure that the participants: - Could understand the major issues of food security in emergency and post-emergency situations; - Are familiar with the main project management tools and methods for the diagnosis, design and monitoring phases of food security projects; - Are able to choose the most appropriate types of interventions according to the needs and context.
The training alternated theoretical contributions (presentations, short videos, technical sheets) and practical exercises (group works based on case studies). At the end of the session, the participants analysed a real situation (Cyclone Enawo, which hit north-eastern Madagascar in March 2017) and designed the outline of a food security response. The session was structured around the following main modules:
- Introduction to humanitarian action and its actors;
- Project cycle and basic project management tools (including problem analysis, objectives and strategy);
- Conceptual bases on food security and livelihoods;
- Tools and indicators to measure food insecurity;
- Rapid diagnosis and decision-making in emergency and post-emergency situations;
- The different types of food security interventions in emergency situations;
- Cash transfer programs.
Capacity Building of Caritas Madagascar on Food Security in Emergency and Post-Emergency Situations (8-day training): Project cycle and project management tools; Conceptual Bases on Food Security and Livelihoods; Tools and indicators to measure food insecurity; Rapid diagnostics and decision-making in emergency and post-emergency situations; Different types of emergency interventions; Cash transfer programs.