Support for the setting up of agricultural projects by eight farmers’ federations Niger


Organisation des Nations Unies pour l’alimentation et l’agricultureFédérations paysannes

Services: Strategic analysis and foresight, Technical and economic advice

Countries: Niger

Dates of intervention: 2012/08 - 2012/11

Amount executed: 19 178 €
Total amount of the service: 19 178 €

Main backer: Organisation des Nations Unies pour l’alimentation et l’agriculture - Client

Main beneficiary: Fédérations paysannes

Support provider: SalvaTerra

Experts: Olivier BOUYER

Certificate of satisfactory executionAppui conseils à huit Fédérations de producteurs agricoles pour utiliser les fonds de garantie IARBIC

Context of the service

FAO has made available 426 MFCFA bank guarantees to eight farmers' federations based in Niamey, Tahoua, Madaoua, Maradi and Zinder: Fédération des coopératives maraichères du Niger (FCMN) Niya, Fédération des unions de Groupements paysans du Niger (FUGPN) Mooriben, Fédération des unions d'association de développement (FUAD) Marhaba, Fédération des unions de coopératives agricoles et pastorales (FUCAP), Federation of Onion Producers' Unions (FUFO) Alkawali, Federation of Maradi Producers' Unions (FUMA) Gaskiya, Federation of Unions of OPAs of Niger (FUOPAN) Sa'a, Federation of Input Shop Unions (FUBI) Tarmamoua.
These eight Federations were to be supported in the development of business plans, for presentation to commercial banks and microfinance institutions and for the granting of bank loans.

Services provided

Three successive missions made it possible to provide ad hoc advisory support, adapted to the aspirations, needs and capacities of each Federation:
- First mission: quick diagnosis of their current level of capabilities, introduction to the concept of business plan and critical discussion on the first project ideas,
- Second and third mission: ad hoc advisory support for a day and a half, with each Federation, using a business plan development guide and a business plan writing framework (technical feasibility, organizational feasibility, economic profitability, cash flow plan, credit recovery).
The projects developed were diverse (supply of seeds, fertilizers, animal feed, purchase/resale of millet, sorghum, cowpea, onions, etc.) and their average rate of return was estimated at more than 6%.

Summary of the service

Support for the setting up of agricultural projects by eight farmers' federations: Rapid diagnosis of their current level of capacity; Critical discussion on early project ideas; Development of business plans (technical feasibility, organizational feasibility, economic profitability, cash flow plan, credit recovery) on various activities (seed supply, fertilizers, livestock feed, purchase/resale of millet, sorghum, etc.)