Support for the development of the DRC’s REDD+ Investment Plan République démocratique du Congo


Programme des Nations Unies pour le développementCommission nationale REDD+ de République Démocratique Congo

Services: Strategic analysis and foresight, Technical and economic advice

Countries: République démocratique du Congo

Dates of intervention: 2013/06 - 2013/12

Amount executed: 127 500 €
Total amount of the service: 127 500 €

Main backer: Programme des Nations Unies pour le développement - Client

Main beneficiary: Commission nationale REDD+ de République Démocratique Congo

Support provider: SalvaTerra

Experts: Olivier BOUYER, Jérôme MAURICE

Certificate of satisfactory executionCartographie des projets/initiatives REDD+ en RDCPlan d'Investissement 2013-2016

Context of the service

In the DRC's REDD+ Framework Strategy, seven strategic pillars have been identified: agriculture, forestry, energy, governance, land, spatial planning and demography. In order to implement the Strategy, the DRC wanted to mobilize $200 million in REDD+ financing between 2013 and 2016 through its National REDD+ Fund.
The main objective of this mission was therefore to translate the activities of the DRC's REDD+ Framework Strategy into a concrete investment program to clearly define, for each of the pillars of the REDD+ Framework Strategy, the sectoral and geographical priorities, the implementation modalities and the necessary financial amounts, and thus build the first cycle of investments of the National REDD+ Fund.

Services provided

The experts worked closely with the National REDD+ Coordination on the following tasks:
- Review of REDD+ strategies and policies (REDD+ Framework Strategy, Forest Investment Plan and National REDD+ Fund Operation Manual), as well as sectoral strategies and policies;
- Review of updated data on the drivers of deforestation, including wood energy collection, artisanal timber exploitation, slash-and-burn agriculture;
- Mapping of REDD+ project leaders (capacities of project leaders, characteristics of the project);
- Consultation of stakeholders (nearly 200) to identify strategic priorities to be funded
- Support for the final development of the REDD+ Investment Plan for the first investment cycle 2013-2016 of the National REDD+ Fund.

Summary of the service

Support to the Congolese Government for the preparation of its REDD+ Investment Plan for 2013-2016 (USD 200 million): (i) Land Use Planning, (ii) Land tenure security, (iii) Population control, (iv) Improvement of economic and environmental governance, (v) Sustainable forest management, (vi) Sustainable agricultural intensification, (vii) Increased supply of sustainable wood energy and improved energy efficiency.