Services: Strategic analysis and foresight
Countries: Martinique
Dates of intervention: 2022/01 - 2022/12
Amount executed: 22 812 €
Total amount of the service: 36 900 €
Main backer: Overseas Departments Agricultural Economy Development Office - Client
Main beneficiary: Direction de l’alimentation, de l’agriculture et de la forêt de Martinique
Support provider: SalvaTerra
Experts: Johan PASQUET
Certificate of satisfactory executionListe de produits locaux présentant un intérêt pour la restauration collective en MartiniqueRapport sur les freins et leviers à l’approvisionnement en denrées alimentaires issues de l’agriculture et de l’élevage local dans la restauration collective en MartiniqueSupport de formation pour les fournisseurs des marchés publics de restaurationSupport de formation pour les acheteurs des marchés publics de restauration
There is a significant risk in Martinique that the actors in the institutional catering sector will massively use imported products to achieve the objectives of the EGalim law. To avoid this scenario and reconcile compliance with the legal framework with sustainable local development, it is necessary to better characterize the demand (i.e. the needs of buyers for institutional catering but also the propensity of consumers to eat local) and to initiate a transition at the level of local supply (i.e. producers and other actors in the agri-food sectors in Martinique). This study, commissioned by the Direction of Food, Agriculture and Forestry (DAAF) and financed by the Office for the Development of the Overseas Agricultural Economy (ODEADOM), aimed to: (i) identify the needs of institutional catering in Martinique in terms of local and quality products; (ii) to initiate dialogue between local producers and buyers of institutional catering; (iii) tto develop tools to help bring together the players involved in institutional catering.
- Creation of a database of institutional catering actors in Martinique, then carrying out an online survey among these actors in order to identify their needs in terms of local and quality products; - Drafting of a report presenting an analysis of the obstacles and levers for the local supply of Martinique's institutional catering; - Writing of a note and short technical sheets on the main local products of interest for Martinique's institutional catering; - Drafting models of specifications and contracts for public procurement; - Organization and animation of an exchange workshop between actors of public institutional catering and representatives of the agricultural profession and agri-food in Martinique; - Organization of training sessions on sourcing (for buyers) and on responding to public procurement (for suppliers).
Study on the opportunities for quality local supply of institutional catering in Martinique, commissioned by the Direction of Food, Agriculture and Forestry (DAAF): constitution of a database of institutional catering actors in Martinique; conducting an online survey on their expectations; development of technical sheets on the main local products of interest; Organization of an exchange workshop between producers/suppliers and buyers/managers of the collective catering.