Revision of the mitigation component of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) Guinea Bissau


Expertise FranceGovernment of Guinea-Bissau

Services: Technical and economic advice

Countries: Guinea Bissau

Dates of intervention: 2020/09 - 2021/03

Amount executed: 20 000 €
Total amount of the service: 20 000 €

Main backer: Expertise France - Client

Main beneficiary: Government of Guinea-Bissau

Support provider: SalvaTerra

Experts: Eva HAENTJENS

Certificate of satisfactory executionRévision du volet AFOLU de la CDN de la Guinée-Bissau - Volet atténuation et cadre de transparence

Context of the service

In 2015, Guinea-Bissau developed its Intended Nationally Determined Contribution (INDC), a document outlining its commitments to climate change adaptation and mitigation. This INDC became an NDC in 2018 following Guinea Bissau's ratification of the Paris Agreement. The preparation of the INDC in 2015 was, according to the authorities themselves, too rapid and did not allow for in-depth analyses, particularly concerning greenhouse gas (GHG) emission trajectories and the estimation of costs for adaptation. In this context, Guinea-Bissau requested support to revise its NDC ahead of the Glasgow Climate Conference (COP26) at the end of 2021. Indeed, the NDCs transmitted ahead of COP26 will be the official starting point of the Paris Agreement; it is therefore on the basis of this NDC that Guinea-Bissau, like all the other countries-parties to the Paris Agreement, will have to demonstrate its progress and reassess its commitments every five years (ambition mechanism).

Services provided

The services provided were as follows:

- Collect data (literature review and interviews) on GHG emissions in the energy, agriculture, forestry and other land use sectors (AFOLU): evolution of emissions since the 2015 INDC, projects planned for 2020-2030 with a priori impacts on GHG emissions; - Analyze the strengths and weaknesses of previous GHG inventories (working files, device, method of data collection) and their processing (Biennial Update Report, National Communications); - Contribute to a 2021-2024 roadmap for the revision of the NDC and its compliance with the requirements of the Paris Agreement's Transparency Framework.

Summary of the service

Revision of the mitigation component of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC): Collection of past and projected data on GHG emissions in the energy, agriculture, forestry and other land use (AFOLU) sectors; Analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of previous GHG inventories and their processing (Biennial Update Report, National Communications); Contribute to a 2021-2024 roadmap for the revision of the NDC and its alignment with the Paris Agreement Transparency Framework.