Services: Technical and economic advice, Diagnostics and feasibility studies
Countries: Burkina Faso
Dates of intervention: 2013/06 - 2013/11
Amount executed: 18 904 €
Total amount of the service: 18 904 €
Main backer: Banque africaine de développement - Client
Main beneficiary: Gouvernement du Burkina Faso
Support provider: SalvaTerra
Experts: Olivier BOUYER, Maden LE CROM
Certificate of satisfactory executionRPP REDD+ du Burkina Faso
In 2010, Burkina Faso embarked on REDD+. In 2012, it submitted its REDD+ Preparedness Plan (R-PP) to the Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF), without obtaining its approval. In parallel with the preparation of the R-PP, in 2011, Burkina Faso was selected as a pilot country by the Forest Investment Programme (FIP) and prepared an IFP investment plan.
This approach is unusual because the FIP aims to mobilize resources for the implementation of the R-PP. However, Burkina Faso was chosen by the FIP while the R-PP had not yet been approved.
As approval of the PP&R by the FCPF is a prerequisite for accessing PIF funds, the objective of the intervention was to incorporate into the PP&R the comments made by the Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) and the FCPF Committee of Participants (PC) so that it could be approved.
Further consultations were held in Ouagadougou with government departments, research centres and universities. They have made it possible to improve institutional arrangements, the consultation plan, the description of land issues, the design of the complaints and appeals mechanism, the design of the carbon stock monitoring system and socio-environmental indicators, etc.
New data were collected to conduct analyses that were missing from previous versions of the PPR, such as the history of land-use change or the key elements of a baseline scenario.
Burkina Faso submitted this revised R-PP to the FCPF in November 2013. The TAP and the Participants' Committee then considered that all components met the standards and the R-PP was officially approved, allowing the release of R-PP (US$3.8 million) and FIP (US$28 million) funds.
Revision of Burkina Faso's REDD+ Preparedness Plan: Revision of various sections (institutional arrangements, consultation plan, land issues, complaints and appeals mechanism, carbon stock monitoring system, etc.); Revision of land use change and baseline analyses; Support for the approval of the R-PP, allowing the release of R-PP (US$3.8 million) and FIP (US$28 million) funds.