Services: Monitoring, evaluation and capitalisation
Countries: Lebanon, Egypt
Dates of intervention: 2018/10
Amount executed: 350 €
Total amount of the service: 350 €
Main backer: French Facility for Global Environment - Client
Main beneficiary: French Facility for Global Environment
Support provider: SalvaTerra
Experts: David COMBAZ
Certificate of satisfactory executionAvis sur la NIP FFEM : « Stratégies collectives et contextUalisées pour promouvoir une Production agricole résiliente et durable dans les zones rurales Méditerranéennes » (SUPMed)
The project, presented to the FFEM by the Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Montpellier (CIHEAM-IAMM), aims to strengthen the adaptation of agriculture to climate change and the promotion of agroecology in the Beqaa Valley (Lebanon) and the Governorate of Luxor (Egypt). Four specific objectives are targeted:
- SO1- Strengthen irrigation infrastructure for a more efficient use of water;
- SO2- Raise farmers' awareness of the challenges of climate change and agroecological innovations;
- SO3- Collectively build and implement climate change adaptation and mitigation strategies based on agroecology;
- SO4- Capitalize on results and contribute to national climate change adaptation and mitigation strategies.
The expert mobilized carried out a critical analysis on the consistency of the Project Identification Note (PIN) provided by the CIHEAM-IAMM with the objectives of the FFEM. It further identified the strengths and weaknesses of the project, and made suggestions for its further improvement at the Project Commitment Note (NEP) stage. To do this, the analysis focused on: (i) the diagnosis of the context and the issues, (ii) the content of the program (components, activities), and (iii) the institutional arrangements for the implementation of the project.
The results of this analysis have been summarised in a document submitted to the FFEM's Scientific and Technical Council.
Revision of the identification note of the project "Collective and context-oriented strategies to promote resilient and sustainable agricultural production in Mediterranean rural areas" (SUPMed), proposed by the CIHEAA-IAMM to the FFEM: Critical analysis of the coherence with the objectives of the FFEM; Identification of the project's strengths and weaknesses; Suggestions for improving the content (diagnosis of the context and issues, programme content, institutional arrangements).