Services: Technical and economic advice, Diagnostics and feasibility studies
Countries: Ghana, Burkina Faso, Cameroon
Dates of intervention: 2019/12 - 2020/05
Amount executed: 37 500 €
Total amount of the service: 70 000 €
Main backer: International Union for Conservation of Nature - Client
Main beneficiary: International Union for Conservation of Nature
Support provider: SalvaTerra
Experts: Anis CHAKIB, Blanche RENAUDIN
Certificate of satisfactory executionAnalyse du potentiel des chaînes de valeur dans les secteurs des mines et des produits forestiers non ligneux (PFNL) en Afrique centrale et occidentale - Rapport général
IUCN's Central and West Africa Programme (PACO) promotes the mobilization of mining and agro-industrial companies for the preservation of biodiversity. This study is part of this global effort and focused in particular on the mining sector (artisanal and industrial) in Burkina Faso and Ghana, the cocoa sector in Ghana, the shea sector in Burkina Faso and Ghana and the palm oil sector in Cameroon. The study had four objectives: - To understand the context (socio-economic, institutional and legal) of these mining and agro-industrial sectors; - Analyze the economic models, practices and value chains of companies in these sectors; - Analyze companies' efforts to preserve biodiversity: - Make recommendations on levers (socio-economic, institutional and legal) and incentives (financial and non-financial) to make companies more responsible.
The SalvaTerra and Initiative Conseil International (ICI) consortium carried out the following tasks:
- Analysis based on documentation of the context (socio-economic, institutional and legal) of these mining and agro-industrial sectors;
- Field missions to conduct interviews with public, private and NGO actors involved in these sectors, and to study specific cases of virtuous companies;
- Drafting of analytical reports (context and case studies) for each of the mining and agro-industrial sectors, then drafting a global analysis report including recommendations to IUCN-PACO to promote pro-biodiversity practices of companies in the considered sectors in West and Central Africa.
Promotion of pro-biodiversity practices in mining (artisanal and industrial) and agribusiness (cocoa, palm oil, shea) in West and Central Africa: Documentary analysis of the context (socio-economic, institutional and legal) of these sectors; Field missions (interviews, case studies of virtuous companies); Drafting of analysis reports for each sector and then of a global report including recommendations to IUCN-PACO to promote private pro-biodiversity practices.