Production of 20 technical sheets for the dissemination of agroecological innovations Haïti


ImagéoGovernment of Haiti

Services: Technical and economic advice, Monitoring, evaluation and capitalisation

Countries: Haïti

Dates of intervention: 2018/11 - 2019/03

Amount executed: 36 250 €
Total amount of the service: 36 250 €

Main backer: Imagéo - Client

Main beneficiary: Government of Haiti

Support provider: SalvaTerra

Experts: Anis CHAKIB, Gabriel MORIN

Certificate of satisfactory executionFiches techniques sur les innovations agroécologiques

Context of the service

The objective of the Strengthening Agricultural Public Services (RESEPAG 2) project is to strengthen and support the managers of the Ministry of Agriculture, Natural Resources and Rural Development (MARNDR) and the agricultural professionals who are members of the Departmental Agricultural Concertation Tables for the preparation, operation and management of the Agricultural Extension Services Fund. In this context, SalvaTerra has been entrusted with the development and revision of twenty technical sheets concerning the dissemination of agroecological innovations. This involves: Development of a standard structure for the technical sheets; Bibliographic search and presentation of international references for each of the proposed innovations; Study of their implementation in the field and contextualization of the proposed innovations; Final drafting of the sheets integrating the bibliographic and field analyses.

Services provided

20 technical sheets have been produced: - Innovations concerning agricultural systems as a whole: plantations for energy, hill reservoirs, water management and development in mountain areas, modern beekeeping and honey forests, regeneration and new cocoa plantations in agroforestry, basic contribution and loan associations; - Innovations concerning specific technologies: organic fermentation of cocoa, control of the coffee bark beetle, integrated pest management of the sweet potato weevil, production of yam seeds by minisets and macrosets, control of black fungus and banana nematodes, reproduction of bananas by plants from stem fragments, grafting and overgrafting of fruit trees, use of metal mills for sugar cane, preservation of grains in hermetic storage; - Innovations in improved varieties for beans, cassava, pigeon peas, sorghum and coffee.

Summary of the service

Production of 20 technical sheets for the dissemination of agroecological innovations in Haiti (wood energy, cocoa, coffee, sugar cane, beans, yams, mangoes, honey, sorghum, etc.): Development of a standard structure for the sheets; Bibliographic research and presentation of international references; Study of their implementation in the field and contextualization of the proposed innovations; Final drafting of the sheets integrating the bibliographic and field analyses.