Pre-feasibility study of agroecological zoning of Guinea Guinée


Institut national de l’information géographique et forestière – Branche internationale

Services: Diagnostics and feasibility studies

Countries: Guinée

Dates of intervention: 2015/09 - 2015/10

Amount executed: 9 670 €
Total amount of the service: 9 670 €

Main backer: Institut national de l’information géographique et forestière – Branche internationale - Client

Main beneficiary: Institut national de l’information géographique et forestière – Branche internationale

Support provider: SalvaTerra

Experts: Olivier BOUYER

Certificate of satisfactory executionMission de préfaisabilité d'un zonage agro-écologique en Guiné Conakry

Context of the service

The Guinean Ministry of Agriculture asked AFD to develop agroecological zoning at the national level, aimed at identifying and quantifying current agricultural areas, their agricultural potential and obtaining land cover mapping.
This zoning should lead to the production of a land cover database based on the European CORINE Land Cover model.
The specific objectives of the pre-feasibility study were as follows;
- Identify the needs of the Ministry of Agriculture and other Ministries concerned with the management of natural resources in terms of agroecological zoning;
- Identify the most appropriate tools and the approach to respond to them, taking into account locally available capacities;
- Propose the terms of reference of the supports to be put in place to carry out the zoning.

Services provided

The services provided were as follows:
- Clarify the expectations of the Ministry of Agriculture in terms of agroecological zoning and land cover database;
- Cross these expectations with those of the Ministries in charge of the environment, water and forests, housing and spatial planning;
- Identify the satellite data already available on the country;
- Confirm the choice of CORINE Land Cover as a model for zoning;
- Identify the structures active in cartography, remote sensing and GIS, as well as their ministerial supervision, their statutes, their missions (research, development, regulation, etc.) and possible cooperation partners;
- Make a diagnosis of current skills (human resources, equipment) and initiatives already undertaken (previous work, fields of application) in cartography, remote sensing and GIS.

Summary of the service

Pre-feasibility study of agroecological zoning of Guinea: Clarify the expectations of Ministries in terms of zoning; Identify satellite data already available on the country; Confirm the choice of CORINE Land Cover as a model for zoning; Identify active structures in mapping, remote sensing and GIS; Make a diagnosis of current skills in cartography, remote sensing and GIS.