Services: Technical and economic advice, Diagnostics and feasibility studies
Countries: Burkina Faso
Dates of intervention: 2015/01
Amount executed: 7 570 €
Total amount of the service: 7 572 €
Main backer: Alliance mondiale contre le changement climatique
Main beneficiary: Comité permanent inter-États de lutte contre la sécheresse dans le Sahel - Client
Other beneficiaries: Centre d’expérimentations économiques et sociales en Afrique de l’Ouest – Pôle régional Burkina-Faso
Support provider: SalvaTerra
Experts: Jérôme MAURICE
Certificate of satisfactory executionProject Idea Note (PIN) - Projet de diffusion de foyers améliorés dans les zones urbaines et périurbaines dans la région Ouest du Burkina Faso
In February 2014 in Niamey, CILSS organized a sub-regional workshop aimed at strengthening the capacities of carbon project leaders in the AFOLU (Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Use) sector in West Africa. On this occasion, about twenty project leaders presented their carbon project identification note (Project Idea Note, or PIN)
Following this workshop, CILSS wished to continue its support to a project leader, ESCWA-PRB, in particular to conduct the pre-feasibility study of its project. As this project is still at a very preliminary stage, the objective was to advise ESCWA-PRB in the structuring of its project, by reviewing the basic concepts of the CDM project cycle, meeting with the main potential technical partners of the project, and discussing the main pitfalls to be avoided.
A mission was organized to Ouagadougou and Bobo-Dioulasso (ESCWA-PRB headquarters), which made it possible to carry out the following tasks:
- State of play of wood energy consumption and the use of improved stoves in the targeted areas;
- Review of the technical and financial capacities of the project leader;
- Description of project activities,
- Demonstration of the additionality of the project;
- Discussions on the appropriate certification standard (CDM vs. Gold Standard);
- Estimation of expected emission reductions from existing methodologies (AMS.II.G);
- Preliminary budget;
Two recommendations were also made to CILSS: focus support on West African actors with a project already well developed and likely to go as far as registration; target REDD+ projects reaching substantial sizes, the only ones likely to interest investors in this sector.
Pre-feasibility study of a project to disseminate improved cookstoves for urban and peri-urban households in western Burkina Faso: Development of a project idea note (PIN) including the estimation of emission reductions (CDM AMS.II.G methodology); Development of a preliminary business plan; Practical recommendations for the beneficiary, ESCWA-PRB.