Services: Technical and economic advice, Diagnostics and feasibility studies
Countries: Jordan
Dates of intervention: 2018/05
Amount executed: 7 440 €
Total amount of the service: 7 440 €
Main backer: French Development Agency - Client
Main beneficiary: French Development Agency
Support provider: SalvaTerra
Experts: Olivier BOUYER, Maden LE CROM
Certificate of satisfactory executionAppui à l'élaboration d'un plan d'aménagement et de gestion de la Forêt "de Gaulle", en Jordanie - Programme de travail
The "de Gaulle" forest covers about a hundred hectares. It is located in Jerash, in the north of Jordan. It was named by royal decree in February 1969, in honor of the French President and the Franco-Jordanian understanding. The Embassy of France in Jordan and the Jordanian forestry services wished to show their attachment to this agreement, by promoting the sustainable management of this forest charged with symbolism. Thus, at the invitation of the France Embassy in Jordan and funding from AFD, SalvaTerra initiated the development of a sustainable development and management plan, in order to contribute to the general reflection on sustainable forest management, going beyond the case of the de Gaulle forest, and to strengthening the capacities of Jordanian institutions through practice. Indeed, only 1.1% of Jordan's territory is occupied by forests: the conservation of the few existing forests is therefore a particularly important issue for the country.
An on-site mission was carried out to make a diagnosis on the following issues: Land status; Current uses (recreation, pastures, collection of NTFPs, dead wood) and users; Fire hazards; Management objectives. To this end, interviews were conducted with managers, representatives of national and local authorities, and user representatives. On the occasion of this diagnosis, the development approach (inventory, surveys, consultations, etc.) was presented.
Following the diagnosis, guidelines and a work programme were proposed in order to draw up a development and management plan that should make it possible to conserve, or even restore, the de Gaulle forest so that it can optimally carry out its functions of welcoming the public; the supply of fodder for the herds; provision of environmental services (protection of biodiversity, water resources, soil, carbon sink, etc.)
Support for the development of a sustainable forest management plan for the De Gaulle Forest (Jerash, Jordan): Diagnosis (land tenure status; current uses and users; fire risks; management objectives) through field visits and interviews with local stakeholders; Presentation of the development process; Action plan to develop the development plan, accompanied by an estimated timeline.