Services: Training and capacity building
Countries: Mali
Dates of intervention: 2018/03
Amount executed: 16 110 €
Total amount of the service: 16 110 €
Main backer: Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency - Client
Main beneficiary: Direction nationale des eaux et forêts du Mali
Support provider: SalvaTerra
Experts: Maden LE CROM, Olivier BOUYER
Certificate of satisfactory executionManuel de formation - Renforcer les capacités des agents de développement en matière de statistiques et d’économie forestièresCompte-rendu de formation - Renforcer les capacités des agents de développement en matière de statistiques et d’économie forestières
The Decentralized Forest Management Program (GEDEFOR2) implements capacity-building actions for forestry officers. The one-week training on forest statistics and economics was intended for 25 officers.
10 themes were to be addressed: (i) State of play of the forest sector in Mali, (ii) Descriptive and inferential statistics, (iii) Remote sensing, (iv) Forest inventory methods, (v) Fuelwood consumption and marketing statistics, (vi) Statistics on non-timber forest products (NTFPs), (vii) Calculation of the Total Economic Value (VET) of forests, (viii) Socio-economic surveys, (ix) Employment statistics and (x) Development of business plans for the forest sector.
The training used the following tools:
- Presentations based on slide shows compiled in a full-color training manual. Each theme gave rise to questions and answers between participants and trainers and open exchanges between participants. - Tutorials on descriptive and inferential statistics, sampling calculation, etc. The participants individually sought the solution(s), before a collective correction was facilitated by the trainers. - Quizzes of 20 multiple-choice questions by theme, distributed at the end of each training day. Again, the participants individually sought the solution(s), before a collective correction was facilitated by the trainers. In the end, the evaluation of the training by the participants was good: the satisfaction rate by theme fluctuated between 4 (very useful theme) and 5 (essential theme), and the organization of the training was judged to be very appropriate overall.
Design and facilitation of a one-week training for 25 Malian forestry officers on forest statistics and economics: Presentations (descriptive and inferential statistics, central limit theorem, sampling, surveys, inventories, remote sensing, economic value of environmental goods and services, business plans, etc.); Practical exercises for the analysis, processing and interpretation of statistical data; Quizzes and self-assessment of knowledge.