Services: Monitoring, evaluation and capitalisation
Countries: Central African Republic
Dates of intervention: 2021/01 - 2021/05
Amount executed: 27 515 €
Total amount of the service: 57 766 €
Main backer: French Development Agency - Client
Main beneficiary: Government of the Central African Republic
Support provider: SalvaTerra
Experts: Anis CHAKIB
Evaluation finale du Projet de développement rural du Sud-Ouest (PDRSO) - RapportEvaluation finale du Projet de développement rural du Sud-Ouest (PDRSO) - Synthèse
The overall objective of the PDRSO was to contribute to poverty reduction in the forest municipalities of the South-West Central African Republic through capacity building and sustainable management of the forest ecosystem. Its four specific objectives were to:
- Improve quality and access to basic services provided to the inhabitants by municipalities;
- Sustainably manage the South-West forest and thus secure tax revenues from the municipalities in the long term;
- Implement the National Strategy against Deforestation (REDD+) at the regional level;
- Strengthen local stakeholders' capacities through observation, training and communication activities.
The PDRSO, with a budget of €6.5 million, was implemented between 2016 and 2021 under the supervision of the Ministry of Forestry.
The objective of the study was to independently evaluate the PDRSO. A field mission to Central African Republic took place in December 2020. The draft evaluation report was submitted early 2021 and the final report in May 2021.
The evaluation provided an overall and factual assessment of the project: (i) recall the project's context and analyse its progress, (ii) provide a brief overview of the Project as conceived and implemented, and (iii) synthesize and analyse the main project's milestones, activities and achievements.
The evaluation then analysed the project's performance in relation to the OECD/DAC's six evaluation criteria: relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, impact, sustainability, and added value regarding the sector strategy and other AFD interventions. For each performance criterion, an indication of the overall level of satisfaction and detailed analysis were proposed.
Final Evaluation of the South-West Regional Development Project (PDRSO), which aimed at reducing poverty in the Forest municipalities the South-West Central African Republic through capacity building and sustainable management of the forest ecosystem: Literature review and field surveys; Evaluation of project's components: local development, forest management and REDD+; Analysis of project performance (DAC/OECD criteria); Recommendations for possible future projects in these sectors.