Services: Technical and economic advice, Diagnostics and feasibility studies
Countries: Kenya, Uganda
Dates of intervention: 2020/07 - 2021/04
Amount executed: 51 825 €
Total amount of the service: 51 825 €
Main backer: Pur projet - Client
Main beneficiary: Professional agricultural organizations
Support provider: SalvaTerra
Experts: Olivier BOUYER, Eva HAENTJENS
Certificate of satisfactory executionEtude du marché des foyers améliorés au KenyaEtude de faisabilité pour la diffusion de foyers améliorés en KenyaaEtude du marché des foyers améliorés en OugandaEtude de faisabilité pour la diffusion de foyers améliorés en Ouganda
In Kenya and Uganda, the NGO PUR Projet supports Cherara and Rwenzori Coffee Farmers Cooperative Union, promoting agroforestry, good agricultural practices for Arabica coffee, income-generating activities, but also the use of improved cookstoves. The three-stone fireplace is the most commonly used. Although it consumes a lot of fuel, emits harmful fumes (CO2, CO, fine particles) and increases the risk of accidents. Users are often not able to access improved cookstoves on the local market. Women and girls are particularly exposed to smoke and often encounter difficulties when collecting wood: time spent, conflicts with landowners, risks of accidents and injuries, etc. The aim of the study was therefore to identify the models of improved cookstoves (economical and "clean") best suited to local uses in order to allow the distribution of several hundred units per year.
The studies were carried out in three phases:
- Establishment of a reference situation: Digitized field surveys (Kobotoolbox) on cooking and fuel collection habits; identification and characterization of improved cookstoves available on the national and regional market; Identification of existing initiatives to promote improved cookstoves;
- Identification and in situ testing of three models of improved cookstoves: performance tests (Controlled Cooking tests), satisfaction surveys (focus groups);
- Formulation of recommendations on the model best suited to the local situation and development of a propagation plan.
Feasibility study for the dissemination of improved cookstoves in coffee farmers' cooperatives in Uganda and Kenya: Field diagnosis and baseline assessment of cooking habits, wood energy resources and availability of alternative technologies; identification and energy performance testing of the most promising models, followed by satisfaction surveys of pilot households; Recommendations and development of a plan for large-scale dissemination.