Services: Monitoring, evaluation and capitalisation
Countries: Congo
Dates of intervention: 2019/03 - 2019/05
Amount executed: 29 855 €
Total amount of the service: 29 855 €
Main backer: Government of Congo - Client
Main beneficiary: Government of Congo
Support provider: SalvaTerra
Experts: David COMBAZ
Certificate of satisfactory executionProjet d'appui à la mise en oeuvre de l'APV FLEGT - Rapport d'évaluation finale
Congo joined the Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade (FLEGT) process and signed a Voluntary Partnership Agreement (VPA) with the European Union (EU) in May 2010 to meet the requirements of the European Union Timber Regulation (EUTR). The FLEGT VPA process has led to the strengthening of the Forest Code, the design of a Legality Assurance Information System (LVIS), the strengthening of the control of the legality and traceability of timber, etc. The FLEGT VPA Implementation Support Project (2015-2019) aimed to strengthen this process, through: (i) support for private sector compliance, (ii) updating the Congolese legal corpus, (iii) strengthening the technical and material capacities of the forest administration and (iv) strengthening the independent oversight function of civil society.
SalvaTerra carried out the final evaluation of the project, in accordance with the criteria of the OECD's Development Assistance Committee (DAC): relevance, coherence, effectiveness, efficiency, impact and sustainability. The service was carried out in three stages: - Framing of the evaluation: contextualization of the project (regulatory context, inventory of legal and illegal logging in Congo, etc.), reconstruction of the logic of the intervention, summary of the actions carried out and the results achieved; - Collecting data in the field from stakeholders (forest administration, private sector, civil society, project coordination team, etc.); - Analysis of project performance, identification of lessons learned, perspectives and recommendations.
Final evaluation of the FLEGT VPA Implementation Support Project in Congo; Framing of the evaluation (regulatory context, inventory of legal and illegal logging, reconstruction of the logic of the intervention, summary of actions and results; Field data collection (forest administration, private sector, etc.); Performance analysis (OECD/DAC criteria: relevance, coherence, effectiveness, efficiency, impact and sustainability), lessons learned, perspectives and recommendations.