Services: Strategic analysis and foresight, Diagnostics and feasibility studies
Countries: Benin, Ivory Coast, Guinea, Cameroon, Congo, Gabon, Central African Republic, Democratic Republic of the Congo
Dates of intervention: 2018/06 - 2018/10
Amount executed: 48 200 €
Total amount of the service: 48 200 €
Main backer: National Institute of Geographic and Forest Information - Client
Main beneficiary: National Institute of Geographic and Forest Information – International department
Support provider: SalvaTerra
Experts: Olivier BOUYER
Certificate of satisfactory executionEtude sur la pérennisation des activités initiées par le projet Observation spatiale des forêts d'Afrique Centrale et de l'Ouest (OSFACO)
The "Spatial Observation of the Forests of Central and West Africa" (OSFACO) project is a follow-up to the projects "Capacity Building and Access to Satellite Data for Forest Monitoring in Africa" (GEOFORAFRI) and "Satellite Observation of Tropical Forests" (OSFT). It has three components: Provision of satellite imagery; Production of maps; Capacity/capacity building and facilitation.
Three years after its start-up, its project management (AFD) and its delegated project management (French Digital Geographic Engineering International - IGN-FI, Institute for Research for Development - IRD, National Geographic Institute - IGN, National Centre for Space Studies - CNES) are questioning the ways and means of sustaining these achievements, either by reorienting OSFACO's activities by the end of the project, or by extending the project through a new phase.
By analysing the literature and consulting relevant actors (online questionnaires, targeted interviews), the following services were provided: - Analyses of Earth Observation (EO) initiatives and potential synergies/overlaps with OSFACO and/or its suite: Group on Earth Observations (GEO) and Copernicus Initiatives (GEO, GEOSS, GFOI, AfriGEOSS, GMES-Africa, GSE-FM), Silvacarbon, Open Foris, UN-REDD / support for SNSF, ReCaREDD, Global Land Analysis and Discovery (GLAD) and Global Forest Watch (GFW), SERVIR Afrique de l'Ouest, PLANET; - State of play and expectations in terms of EO in the eight target countries (actors, support received from GEOFORAFRI, OSFT and OSFACO, existing EO maps and products, expectations of OSFACO and/or its follow-up); - Recommendations in terms of: support for access to satellite data; support for cartographic production; strengthening human and equipment capacities; scientific animation; implementation modalities.
Prospective study and recommendations for the sustainability of the Forest Observation by Satellite Project in Central and West Africa (OSFACO): Evaluation of the OSFACO project; Inventory of the most promising international initiatives in land use monitoring; State of play of satellite observation in the eight target countries; Development of 10 key recommendations for the end of OSFACO and/or its follow-up.