Services: Diagnostics and feasibility studies, Monitoring, evaluation and capitalisation
Countries: Madagascar
Dates of intervention: 2020/02 - 2022/07
Amount executed: 374 814 €
Total amount of the service: 519 595 €
Main backer: French Development Agency - Client
Main beneficiary: Government of Madagascar
Co-contractors: Egis, Research Institute for Sustainable Development, Meteodyn
Support provider: SalvaTerra
Experts: Anis CHAKIB, David COMBAZ
The Talaky project (2018-2021), and before it the Holistic Forest Conservation Program (PHCF, 2008-2013 and 2013-2018), sought to strengthen the resilience of natural ecosystems and local populations to CC in the Anosy region, in southeastern Madagascar. AFD's Adapt'Action facility aims to accelerate the operationalization of the Paris Climate Agreement in the countries most vulnerable to climate change (CC), particularly in Madagascar. The present study funded by Adapt'Action aimed to study the feasibility of a larger-scale territorial project, the "Talaky Be" project, in order to strengthen the adaptation measures of agriculture and livestock to the CC, develop new economic opportunities and strengthen the preservation of natural ecosystems.
The first phase of the study aimed to strengthen the understanding of the vulnerability of local populations to CC. It made it possible to characterize in a participatory way its impacts on agricultural and pastoral sectors, and on landscapes. An analysis of the socio-anthropological and gender issues associated with these impacts was carried out. The second phase of the study made it possible, in consultation with all stakeholders at local and national level, to conduct a comprehensive feasibility study. The feasibility report includes quantified and budgeted objectives and activities (€40 million in total) for: (i) the adaptation of agriculture to the CC, (ii) the sustainable management of landscapes and the conservation of biodiversity, (iii) the territorial integration of rural areas and the opening up of new economic opportunities. The feasibility report was supplemented by an Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF), a carbon footprint and a capitalization report on the prioritized adaptation options.
Feasibility study of the Talaky Be project for the adaptation of agriculture to CC in South-East Madagascar: Study of the vulnerability of local populations to CC (impacts on agricultural and pastoral sectors, on landscapes, socio-anthropological and gender issues); Technical and budgetary formulation of a €40 million project (three components: adaptation of agriculture to CC, restoration of forest landscapes and conservation of natural forests, social and territorial cohesion).