Services: Strategic analysis and foresight, Technical and economic advice
Countries: Saint Pierre and Miquelon
Dates of intervention: 2018/07 - 2018/11
Amount executed: 8 000 €
Total amount of the service: 8 000 €
Main backer: Territorial collectivity of St Pierre and Miquelon - Client
Main beneficiary: Territorial collectivity of St Pierre and Miquelon
Support provider: SalvaTerra
Experts: Olivier BOUYER, Maden LE CROM
Certificate of satisfactory executionEtude agro-pédologique des sols de Saint-Pierre et Miquelon - Rapport final
The fodder area of the archipelago amounts to 77 ha. The soils are generally acidic and poor, and yields are low. However, in the past, the archipelago has experienced much larger agricultural activity and fodder areas. As a result, the Territorial Collectivity of Saint-Pierre and Miquelon (CT975) wished to rehabilitate the land to bring it back into cultivation, which motivated the realization of an agro-pedological study of the soils of Miquelon. The AECOM-SalvaTerra consortium carried out this study. At the same time, SalvaTerra was in charge of supporting the CT975 and the State in the development of the Sustainable Agriculture Development Programme (PDAD) of the archipelago, which ensured a strong coherence between the two supports.
On the basis of existing documentation and exchanges with the Agriculture, Rural and Natural Areas Unit (CAERN) of the CT975, SalvaTerra carried out the following analyses: - Review of the existing typologies on the soils of the archipelago;
- Description of the rehabilitation histories of the agricultural plot, including technical itineraries, costs and results obtained;
- Summary of recommendations in terms of tillage, amendment, fertilization and sowing;
- Calculation of current and future forage balances (taking into account the orientations of the PDAD);
- Collection of all existing information on the costs of interventions. Following this, based on the soil samples and analyses carried out by AECOM, the consortium updated this information and developed a rehabilitation programme for 237 ha of land, including physical developments, restoration of soil chemistry and good agronomic practices.
Agro-pedological study of the soils of St Pierre and Miquelon: Review of existing typologies on the soils of the archipelago; Description of the rehabilitation histories of the agricultural plot; Summary of recommendations in terms of tillage, amendment, fertilization and sowing; Calculation of current and future forage balances; Development of a rehabilitation programme for 237 ha of land (physical developments, restoration of soil chemical characteristics and good agronomic practices).