Establishment of a mechanism for financing forests by polluting companies Maroc


Agence de coopération technique allemandeHaut commissariat aux eaux et forêts et à la lutte contre la désertification du Maroc

Services: Strategic analysis and foresight, Diagnostics and feasibility studies

Countries: Maroc

Dates of intervention: 2012/06

Amount executed: 10 000 €
Total amount of the service: 10 000 €

Main backer: Agence de coopération technique allemande - Client

Main beneficiary: Haut commissariat aux eaux et forêts et à la lutte contre la désertification du Maroc

Support provider: Maden LE CROM

Experts: Olivier BOUYER, Maden LE CROM

Certificate of satisfactory executionEtude de faisabilité d'un mécanisme innovant pour le maintien des écosystèmes naturels et de la biodiversité au Maroc dans un contexte de changement global

Context of the service

The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) supported the High Commission for Water, Forests and the Fight against Desertification (HCEFLCD) and conducted a feasibility study of a private sector financing facility for forests. The mechanism should allow, on the one hand, the HCFELCD to mobilize more resources for Moroccan forests, on the other hand, companies to communicate simply, locally and effectively on their actions in terms of social and environmental responsibility (CSR). For the HCEFLCD, in order to be a new source of funding, this mechanism must be a communication tool on the impacts of its activities, particularly in terms of mitigation and adaptation to climate change, and a stage of preparation for the REDD+ mechanism.

Services provided

Feasibility study for the establishment of a mechanism for financing forests by polluting companies: (i) Definition of concepts (social and environmental responsibility, ecological and carbon offsetting, etc.), (ii) Identification of impact quantification tools (ecological and carbon footprints, life cycle assessments, forest and carbon certification systems, ISO 26000 and 14001 standards, World Bank operational policies, etc.), (iii) Recommendations (mandatory or voluntary contribution from companies, impact criteria and monitoring tools, communication tools, governance of the mechanism, monitoring of funding, etc.)

Summary of the service

Creation of a mechanism for financing forests by polluting companies: (i) Definition of concepts (CSR, ecological and carbon offsetting, etc.), (ii) Identification of impact quantification tools (ecological and carbon footprints, forest and carbon certification systems, ISO 26000 and 14001 standards, etc.), (iii) Recommendations (mandatory or voluntary contribution, impact criteria and monitoring tools, communication tools, governance of the mechanism, monitoring of funding, etc.)