Services: Diagnostics and feasibility studies
Countries: France
Dates of intervention: 2019/07
Amount executed: 1 200 €
Total amount of the service: 1 200 €
Main backer: Association Loisirs Vacances Languedoc - Client
Main beneficiary: Association Loisirs Vacances Languedoc
Support provider: SalvaTerra
Experts: David COMBAZ
Certificate of satisfactory executionEtude de faisabilité pour la création d'un parcours accrobranche et de cabanes dans les arbres
The Association Loisirs Vacances Languedoc (ALVL) has acquired the Goudal campsite in La Salvetat-sur-Agout (34), which has two forest plots with potential for the development of tree climbing activities and for the construction of high-rise cabins. A diagnosis of the corresponding forest stands was necessary to estimate the level of risks associated with these activities and thus validate the feasibility of these investments.
SalvaTerra and the Arbre-conseil network of the National Forestry Office (ONF) carried out a joint mission to assess the health status and existing mechanical constraints on the plots of land that were approached for the development of the activities in question. This diagnosis made it possible to validate the feasibility of the project, while making a number of recommendations for its implementation in the best possible conditions.
Diagnosis prior to the installation of tree climbing and tree huts in La Salvetat-sur-Agout: Diagnosis of the sanitary state and mechanical constraints of two oak stands; Advice on the risk levels and feasibility of the project; Recommendation for the development of tree climbing activities and high-rise huts in the best possible conditions.