Development of the Regional Forest and Timber Programme of Martinique France, Martinique


Direction de l’alimentation, de l’agriculture et de la forêt de Martinique

Services: Strategic analysis and foresight, Diagnostics and feasibility studies

Countries: France, Martinique

Dates of intervention: 2018/10 - 2019/12

Amount executed: 48 370 €
Total amount of the service: 64 687 €

Main backer: Direction de l’alimentation, de l’agriculture et de la forêt de Martinique - Client

Main beneficiary: Direction de l’alimentation, de l’agriculture et de la forêt de Martinique


Support provider: SalvaTerra

Experts: Olivier BOUYER, Maden LE CROM

Certificate of satisfactory executionProgramme régional forêt-bois de Martinique

Context of the service

French forest and timber policy is framed by the National Forest and Timber Programme (PNFB). The Law of 13 October 2014 on the future of agriculture, food and forestry provides for Regional Forest and Timber Programmes (PRFB) to be drawn up on the basis of a debate organised by a Regional Forestry and Timber Commission (CRFB) co-chaired by the regional prefect and the president of the Regional Council (here from the Territorial Collectivity of Martinique). For Martinique, the Directorate of Food, Agriculture and Forestry (DAAF) called on the services of SalvaTerra to support the development of the PRFB. Its Strategic Environmental Assessment (EES) has been entrusted to Biotope.
The development of the PRFB was carried out in two stages: (i) Carrying out a diagnosis in order to have a consensual vision of the state of the forest and wood and the issues related to the forest and wood, (ii) Development of a strategy, identifying the objectives and actions to be taken.

Services provided

A diagnosis was carried out through cross-referencing bibliographic analyses and interviews with stakeholders in the forest and the timber industry in Martinique. It was action-oriented and provided new and useful analysis to the CRFB in the development of the Strategy. The Strategy was then developed in working groups of CRFB members led by SalvaTerra. It is structured around four axes: (i) Contribution of forests to the economy (timber sectors, NTFPs, agroforestry, tourism, etc.); (ii) Environmental functions of forests (reduction of anthropogenic and natural pressures, adaptation of forests to climate change, etc.); (iii) Forests and the general public (opening and maintenance of sites and trails, enhancement of environmental and cultural wealth, animation of educational sites, etc.); (iv) Governance for the forest (management of the PRFB, inter-professional organisation, etc.). The Strategy has been declined into 18 detailed action sheets.
Diagnosis, Strategy, Action Sheets and EES were submitted to the Environmental Authority for opinion and public consultation, then validated.

Summary of the service

Development of the Regional Forest and Timber Programme (PRFB) of Martinique: Diagnosis of the forest/timber sector: Participatory development of the Strategy structured in four axes (Contribution of forests to the economy; Forests protection ; Reception of the public in the forest; Governance of the forest/timber sector in Martinique); Participatory development of 18 action sheets: Collection and integration of the opinions of the Environmental Authority and the public, then validation.