Development of the monitoring plan for the mangrove restoration project of the NGO Oceanium Sénégal


Fonds d’investissement Livelihoods – DanoneOceanium

Services: Technical and economic advice, Training and capacity building

Countries: Sénégal

Dates of intervention: 2011/04 - 2011/10

Amount executed: 34 572 €
Total amount of the service: 34 572 €

Main backer: Fonds d’investissement Livelihoods – Danone - Client

Main beneficiary: Oceanium

Support provider: Olivier BOUYER

Experts: Olivier BOUYER, Maden LE CROM

Certificate of satisfactory executionProjet de reboisement de mangroves Océanium - Manuel de qualité pour le suivi des stocks de carbone

Context of the service

In 2008 and 2009, the mangrove restoration project of the Senegalese NGO Oceanium planted more than 40 million mangrove seedlings in the Saloum Delta and along the Casamance River.
This project, like others around the world, was financed in part by the Danone Livelihoods Fund, which aims to offset the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions of Danone's activities.
To generate carbon credits for use under the Kyoto Protocol, a Project Description Document (DDA) was drafted in the format required by the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM). To ensure the proper implementation and monitoring of the CDM project, Danone also wished to have:
- A monitoring plan for carbon removals, adapted to the project and its specific technical parameters,
- A plan to monitor the environmental and social impacts of the project, as well as guidelines to ensure the internalization of its implementation.

Services provided

The following services were provided:
1/ Development of the monitoring plan for carbon removals. It was drafted after an estimate of the future evolution of carbon stocks, based on field data. It includes:
- Organization and responsibilities for monitoring,
- Implementation schedule,
- Development of procedures and protocols: stratification, pre-inventory, sampling, preparation of inventory campaigns and training of teams, calibration, maintenance and storage of equipment, installation of plots, measurements in plots, capture, analysis, control and storage of data,
- Development of instruction sheets for field activities (visual memory aids),
- Development of ad hoc field forms,
- Procedures for measuring efficiency and continuous improvement.
After that, two two-day trainings were facilitated on five training modules (stratification, sampling, plot installation, measurements, computer processing). The training brought together the Oceanium team, villagers and officials from the Ministry of Environment. The training included practical mangrove applications on the protocols, instruction sheets and forms developed,
2/ Development of the environmental and social impact monitoring plan. The expert mentioned supervised and supervised the mission carried out on this aspect.

Summary of the service

Development of the monitoring plan of the mangrove restoration project of the NGO Oceanium as part of a CDM project: Preparation of the GIS sampling plan, procedures and protocols, field forms, etc. ; Training of Oceanium staff, villagers involved and Ministry of Environment officials on this monitoring plan.