Development of communal forest management plans in eastern Burundi Burundi


Commission européenne

Services: Diagnostics and feasibility studies

Countries: Burundi

Dates of intervention: 2012/06 - 2012/09

Amount executed: 11 250 €
Total amount of the service: 11 250 €

Main backer: Commission européenne - Client

Main beneficiary: Commission européenne

Co-contractors: Terre environnement aménagement

Support provider: Maden LE CROM

Experts: Maden LE CROM

Etude socio-économique pour l'élaboration du plan d'aménagement forestier communal de Mpinga-Kavoye, Province de Rutana, Burundi

Context of the service

The Post-Conflict Rural Development Programme (PPCDR) in Burundi supported the development of communal forest management plans in four rural communes in eastern Burundi: Mpinga-Kayove, Nyabitsinda (Ruyigi Province), Giharo and Kinyinya (Rutana Province): (i) Analysis of demand for wood and non-wood forest products, (ii) Mapping of public and private forests, (iii) Forest inventories (species, quality and quantity of wood available), (iv) Development of management plans and five-year management plans to meet the wood needs of the economic sector while respecting the environment.

Services provided

Analysis of demand for wood and non-wood forest products (NTFPs): (i) Interviews with stakeholders (elected municipal officials, forestry agents, loggers, sawyers, charcoal burners, carpenters, restaurateurs, farmers, bricklayers, etc.), (ii) Identification of pressures on forests (harvesting practices, drivers of deforestation and forest degradation, flows of wood products, etc.), (iii) Characterization of demand for wood and non-wood forest products (structure of the forest-based sector, quantification of demand for wood - public and private construction, cooking, heating, etc., and NWFP - medicinal plants, honey, etc., price structures and margins, etc.), (iv) Contribution to the drafting of forest management plans.

Summary of the service

Analyses of the demand for wood and non-wood forest products (NTFPs) for the development of forest management plans in four communes in eastern Burundi: (i) Interviews with actors in the field, (ii) Identification of pressures on forests, (iii) Characterization of demand for wood and non-wood forest products (NTFPs), (iv) Contribution to the drafting of forest management plans.