Services: Strategic analysis and foresight, Technical and economic advice
Countries: World, Ivory Coast
Dates of intervention: 2014/07 - 2014/11
Amount executed: 53 200 €
Total amount of the service: 53 200 €
Main backer: European Forest Institute - Client
Main beneficiary: National REDD+ Commission of Côte d’Ivoire
Support provider: SalvaTerra
Experts: Olivier BOUYER, Maden LE CROM
Certificate of satisfactory executionSimulateur pour l’évaluation des coûts et bénéfices de différents choix d’aménagement du territoire
In 2013, SalvaTerra conducted a study on the costs and benefits of REDD+ in Côte d'Ivoire (including the valorization of carbon and environmental goods and services), considering different scenarios in terms of land use in key sectors (cocoa, palm oil, rubber, cashew nuts, rice, yams, reforestation, wood energy).
In 2014, as part of Cameroon's National Rural Development Strategy, EFI worked with a coalition of stakeholders to support land use planning processes, particularly through the development of an interactive mapping platform. This platform compiled spatial data (land uses, environmental services, etc.) and allowed users to perform multi-criteria analyses.
Based on this work, EFI wanted to develop a tool for calculating the costs and benefits of land use, which can be used in any context.
The services provided were as follows:
- Identification of current and alternative technical routes for 5 sectors (cocoa, palm oil, rubber, rice and yam): charges (labour, inputs, etc.) and associated costs, yields and associated revenues, impacts in terms of GHG emissions/removals, standard operating accounts, etc.
- Development of an Excel tool to simultaneously test up to 5 land use scenarios, after parameterization (forest carbon stocks, yields and age class distribution of crops, farm accounts, etc.). Results include costs and benefits, rate of return, production and average yield, deforestation trends, GHG emissions/removals, emissions per unit of output, loss of ecosystem values due to deforestation, etc.
- Development of instructions for the use of the tool.
See online version:
Development of a tool for calculating costs and benefits due to land use: Identification of technical routes for 5 sectors (cocoa, palm oil, rubber, rice and yam); Development of an Excel tool to simultaneously test up to 5 land use scenarios, after parameterization; Results including costs/benefits, rate of return, average production and yield, GHG emissions/removals, loss of ecosystem values due to deforestation, etc. Cf.