Services: Diagnostics and feasibility studies, Training and capacity building
Countries: Niger
Dates of intervention: 2021/01 - 2021/10
Amount executed: 49 057 €
Total amount of the service: 89 322 €
Main backer: United Nations Development Programme - Client
Main beneficiary: Government of Niger
Support provider: SalvaTerra
Experts: David COMBAZ
Certificate of satisfactory executionÉvaluation des besoins en formation sur l'adaptation des institutions nationalesÉvaluation des besoins en formation sur l'adaptation dans l'enseignement supérieur
The project "Pushing forward Mmdium and long-term adaptation planning and budgeting in Niger" is funded by the Green Climate Fund and implemented by UNDP. It aims to strengthen national capacities for climate change mitigation and adaptation at all planning and budgeting levels.
Outcome 1.3 of this project aims to "address capacity gaps in the National Adaptation Plan implementation". To address this outcome 1.3, UNDP has engaged the Joint Venture Kinomé - SalvaTerra to assess the needs for capacity-building in tertiary education institutions, key ministries and civil society, and to develop training programmes accordingly.
The services provided were as follows:
- Identification of needs for capacity building (via direct interviews and online questionnaires) in public institutions (National Council for the Environment and Sustainable Development (CNEDD), Ministries in charge of the environment, water and forests, agriculture, livestock, planning, etc.) and training and research institutes (National School of Administration (ENA), Higher School of Business and Business Administration (ESCAE), Abdou Moumouni University, University of Diffa, etc.) ;
- Development of training modules adapted to these stakeholders: history of climate change; global and national scales projections; concepts and tools for climate change vulnerability analysis; cost-benefit analysis of adaptation options; participatory adaptation planning; adaptation M&E; etc.
Capacity building on adaptation to climate change to Ministries and training institutes: Identification of needs for capacity building in Ministries and training and research institutes; Development of training modules adapted to these stakeholders (history of climate change; projections at global and national scales; concepts and tools for analyzing vulnerability to climate change; cost/benefit analysis of adaptation options; participatory adaptation planning; adaptation M&E; etc.