Services: Diagnostics and feasibility studies
Countries: Guinea
Dates of intervention: 2020/06 - 2021/06
Amount executed: 276 733 €
Total amount of the service: 305 842 €
Main backer: French Development Agency - Client
Main beneficiary: Government of Guinea
Support provider: SalvaTerra
Experts: Olivier BOUYER, Paul BELCHI, Blanche RENAUDIN
Certificate of satisfactory executionAdaptation au changement climatique en Haute Guinée - Manuel de formation sur le CCAdaptation au changement climatique en Haute Guinée - CR de formation sur le CCAdaptation au changement climatique en Haute Guinée - Etude de vulnérabilité de l'agricultureAdaptation au changement climatique en Haute Guinée - Techniques endogènes d'adaptationAdaptation au changement climatique en Haute Guinée - Intégration de l'adaptation dans les projets agricolesAdaptation au changement climatique en Haute Guinée - Manuel sur l'adaptation de l'agriculture au CCAdaptation au changement climatique en Haute Guinée - Infographie sur adaptation de la pêche au CCAdaptation au changement climatique en Haute Guinée - Projet d'adaptation de la filière riz au CCAdaptation au changement climatique en Haute Guinée - Projet d'adaptation de la filière maraichage au CCAdaptation au changement climatique en Haute Guinée - Projet d'adaptation de la filière pêche au CCAdaptation au changement climatique en Haute Guinée - Projet d'adaptation de la filière élevage au CC
AFD's Adapt'Action Facility supports 15 countries, including Guinea, in order to achieve the Paris Climate Agreement. In this context and in consultation with the Guinean Ministries in charge of the environment, agriculture, livestock and fisheries, technical assistance has been financed by Adapt'Action in order to strengthen the adaptation of Guinean agriculture to the CC. Ultimately, this technical assistance was intended to contribute to improving the living conditions, food security and resilience of rural populations to the effects of CC, through the dissemination of sustainable and climate-smart agriculture practices. The analyses were mainly carried out in the natural region of Upper Guinea (administrative regions of Kankan and Faranah), but the approaches, tools and recommendations are intended to be used throughout Guinea and to be part of the National Programme for Agricultural Investment, Food Security and Nutrition (PNIASAN).
The support was multifaceted: - Training of 80 actors from the rural world on adaptation to CC in the agriculture, livestock and fisheries sectors; - Vulnerability analyses to CC in five key sectors of Upper Guinea (rice, market gardening, cattle, small ruminants, fisheries), after participatory surveys of 130 family farms; - Identification of 43 endogenous adaptation techniques; - Recommendations for the integration of adaptation issues in 11 ongoing agricultural projects in Upper Guinea; - Development of an operational manual for the integration of adaptation issues in agricultural projects; - Development of four adaptation project sheets in Upper Guinea (rice, market gardening, cattle/small ruminants, fisheries); - Capitalization on support (photo library, interview with actors in the market gardening sector, infographic on adaptation to CC in the fishing sector in Upper Guinea).
Technical assistance to strengthen the adaptation of Guinean agriculture to the CC: Training of 80 people on adaptation (agriculture, livestock and fisheries); Vulnerability analyses in Upper Guinea (rice, market gardening, cattle, small ruminants, fisheries); Identification of 43 endogenous adaptation techniques; Integration of adaptation issues in 11 agricultural projects; Operational Manual on Agricultural Adaptation; Four adaptation project sheets (rice, market gardening, cattle/small ruminants, fisheries); Capitalization (photo library, computer graphics).