Services: Strategic analysis and foresight, Technical and economic advice, Technical assistance
Countries: Gabon
Dates of intervention: 2019/10 - 2022/02
Amount executed: 355 257 €
Total amount of the service: 355 257 €
Main backer: National Climate Council of Gabon - Client
Main beneficiary: National Climate Council of Gabon
Support provider: SalvaTerra
Experts: Anis CHAKIB
Certificate of satisfactory executionRapport 2020 de mise en oeuvre du programme CAFI d'aménagement du territoire et de surveillance forestière
A partnership was signed in June 2017 between Gabon and the Central African Forest Initiative (CAFI) to support Gabon in the development and implementation of a National Land Use Plan (PNAT) and a National Natural Resources and Forests Observation System (SNORNF). These two projects were launched in the first half of 2019, with a five-year implementation period. Their implementation is led by the National Council on Climate Change (CNC) and monitored by AFD as an implementing partner. The National Agency for National Parks (ANPN) and the Gabonese Agency for Space Studies and Observations (AGEOS) are also involved in the implementation of the activities. SalvaTerra was engaged by the TNC to provide technical assistance to the Programme Management Unit (PMU) for 30 months.
SalvaTerra mobilized three international technical assistants to support the PMU and the implementing entities in the development and implementation of the PNAT and SNORNF. The main tasks of the technical assistance were: - Technical expertise in land use planning, protected area management, biodiversity conservation, sustainable management of natural resources, protection of High Conservation Value (HCV) and High Carbon Stocks (HCS), forest inventories and biodiversity inventories, etc. - Technical expertise in GIS and remote sensing, satellite imagery and very high resolution drone, management of cartographic databases, etc. - Technical expertise in participatory mapping at the village level, multi-stakeholder consultation, free and prior informed consent (FPIC), etc. - Support for strategic steering, capacity building, project management and monitoring and evaluation of program activities.
30-month technical assistance to the CAFI programme to implement a National Land Use Plan (PNAT) and a National Natural Resources and Forests Observation System (SNORNF): Territorial Planning; Protected Area Management; Biodiversity conservation; Protection of HCV and HCS; Forest and biodiversity inventory; GIS and remote sensing; Satellite and drone imagery; Participatory mapping; Multi-stakeholder consultation; CLIP; Strategic management; Capacity building; Project management; M&E.