Analysis of climate vulnerabilities and adaptation strategies in agricultural sectors for Advans Ghana, Ivory Coast, Tunisia


Horus Development FinanceAdvans Group

Services: Technical assistance

Countries: Ghana, Ivory Coast, Tunisia

Dates of intervention: 2022/06 - 2023/11

Amount executed: 20 925 €
Total amount of the service: 20 925 €

Main backer: Horus Development Finance - Client

Main beneficiary: Advans Group


Support provider: SalvaTerra

Experts: Johan PASQUET

Certificate of satisfactory execution

Context of the service

Horus Development Finance (Horus DF) is a consultancy specialising in inclusive finance. As part of a Technical Assistance Facility for Financial Institutions, supported by the development bank British International Investment (BII), Horus DF is providing support to the responsible microfinance group Advans to assess the climate risks in the loan portfolio of its subsidiaries in Ghana, Côte d'Ivoire and Tunisia, and to provide recommendations on how Advans, at both subsidiary and group level, could manage the risks identified by offering climate-related financial products and services.

The aim is to support Advans in the development of national climate change strategies in order to contribute to the development of a more climate-friendly business model at the network level.

The approach is intended to be bottom-up and iterative, first testing the study methodology in Ghana, Côte d'Ivoire and Tunisia, refining it and then replicating it in the group's other subsidiaries.

Services provided

- Identification and analysis of climate change-related risks to which agricultural clients in Advans' credit portfolios Côte d'Ivoire and Tunisia are exposed:
i) identify the main agricultural value chains and geographical areas of Advans' portfolio in each country;
ii) analyse the vulnerability and possible adaptation strategies for Advans' clients operating in these sectors/areas, based on documentary research;
iii) discuss the attribution of simple vulnerability rating to climate risks using the tool developed by Horus DF, suggesting adjustments if necessary to take into account the specificities of agriculture.

- Identification of adaptation practices with the intention to integrate them into a plan and tools to raise awareness among Advans' agricultural clients.

- Contribution to the identification of financial product needs to support the most vulnerable customers.

Summary of the service

Analysis of climate vulnerabilities and adaptation strategies of agricultural sectors for Advans and its subsidiaries: identification of the sectors most exposed to climate risks among those in the credit portfolio of Advans subsidiaries, bibliographic research and drafting of summary notes on the vulnerability and adaptation strategies of producers in these sectors, contribution to other products of the technical assistance provided by Horus (technical assistance tools raising awareness among Advans' agricultural customers, identifying financial product needs, etc.).