
SalvaTerra supports IUCN in the analysis and promotion of responsible and sustainable value chains in Central and West Africa

29 September 2020

SalvaTerra supports IUCN in the analysis and promotion of responsible and sustainable value chains in Central and West Africa

SalvaTerra, in a consortium with Initiative Conseil International, conducted a study for IUCN's West and Central Africa Programme (PACO): "Environmental analysis, opportunities, options and challenges for the establishment and promotion of responsible and sustainable value chains in the extractive industries, agribusiness and non-timber forest products (NTFPs) sectors".

In particular, our experts conducted case studies of the Cocoa sector in Ghana and Palm Oil in Cameroon, shea and industrial and artisanal mining in Burkina Faso and Ghana.

A study report presents recommendations on strategic directions and actions to be implemented by IUCN (through its Global Business and Biodiversity Programme), its members and partners to promote more responsible and sustainable value chains in Africa.

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