
SalvaTerra accompanied the actors of the territory of Iazafo, Madagascar, in the development of their Sustainable Landscape Development and Management Plan (PAGDP)

13 October 2020

SalvaTerra accompanied the actors of the territory of Iazafo, Madagascar, in the development of their Sustainable Landscape Development and Management Plan (PAGDP)

The Sustainable Agriculture through a Landscape Approach Project (PADAP), funded by the World Bank, seeks to increase agricultural productivity while ensuring sustainable management of natural resources in five "landscapes" of Madagascar. Each landscape is defined here as a set of watersheds feeding one or more irrigated perimeters.
With its local partner SD Mad, SalvaTerra accompanied the actors of the territory for the development of the PAGDP of Iazafo, in the Analanjirofo region. This service mobilized ten experts over a period of 10 months.

Following an inventory and a participatory diagnosis of the Iazafo landscape, a series of meetings and workshops made it possible to co-construct the Iazafo PAGDP, thus putting into practice the landscape approach developed by CIRAD. This collaborative planning resulted in the design of a 20-year landscape guidance document and a budgeted action plan that included hydro-agricultural developments, watershed protection, the promotion of agroecological practices and the enhancement of cash crops.

SalvaTerra and SD Mad also made available to PADAP and local stakeholders a map atlas, a Strategic Environmental and Social Assessment (SESA) and recommendations on governance and monitoring and evaluation for the implementation of the PAGDP.

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