13 October 2020
Following an inventory and a participatory diagnosis of the Iazafo landscape, a series of meetings and workshops made it possible to co-construct the Iazafo PAGDP, thus putting into practice the landscape approach developed by CIRAD. This collaborative planning resulted in the design of a 20-year landscape guidance document and a budgeted action plan that included hydro-agricultural developments, watershed protection, the promotion of agroecological practices and the enhancement of cash crops.
SalvaTerra and SD Mad also made available to PADAP and local stakeholders a map atlas, a Strategic Environmental and Social Assessment (SESA) and recommendations on governance and monitoring and evaluation for the implementation of the PAGDP.
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05 Nov. 2024
La biodiversité mondiale est largement méconnue : 1,9 millions d’espèces sont répertoriées dans le Catalogue of Life mais il en existerait a priori quatre fois plus, soit 8,7 millions ! Et sur ces 8,7 millions, près d’un million sont menacées d’extinction… La 6ème extinction de masse de la biodiversité est en cours.