27 September 2019
He is an agricultural engineer (AgroParisTech) with 17 years of international professional experience. He specializes in the study of agrarian systems and the analysis of food security and rural livelihoods.
He has extensive field experience in fragile contexts (Sri Lanka, Afghanistan, Myanmar, etc.), both in the design, management and coordination of programs and in external expert missions (Ghana, Haiti, Madagascar, Mali, DRC, Senegal, etc.). He has carried out numerous diagnostics, formulation support and evaluations for food security, support for family farming and rural development projects, including around themes related to agroecology, improvement or preservation of productive potential (soil conservation, development of rice lowlands, etc.) and resilience to climatic hazards.
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05 Nov. 2024
La biodiversité mondiale est largement méconnue : 1,9 millions d’espèces sont répertoriées dans le Catalogue of Life mais il en existerait a priori quatre fois plus, soit 8,7 millions ! Et sur ces 8,7 millions, près d’un million sont menacées d’extinction… La 6ème extinction de masse de la biodiversité est en cours.