Final evaluation of the Agrovalor project for energy recovery of agricultural waste

Technical assistance for the Climate Strategy of the National Bank for Agricultural Development (BNDA) of Mali

Study of the needs and development strategy of SODEXAM’s agro-meteorological services

Identification of support for promising agricultural value chains in the South-East of Madagascar

Study of the socio-economic impacts of non-timber forest products (NTFPs) in Africa

Étude de faisabilité ligne de crédit et assistance technique “climat” à La banque agricole du Sénégal (LBA)

Support for the development of the Ivorian REDD+ roadmap

Setting up a cashew plantation project with the Wouol association

Estimating the costs/benefits of REDD+ in Côte d’Ivoire

Feasibility study of the cashew nut development support project in the Comoé basin

Support for the structuring of agricultural groups in Upper Guinea

Évaluation finale de la Convention de partenariat pluriannuel AFD-AVSF 2019-2022